A. Unlawful Uses: Any use, building, or structure used or construed unlawfully or that was in violation of any previous codes or regulations, prior to the adoption of this title, will be deemed a continuing violation and subject to the penalties of this title.
B. Continuation Of Existing Uses: Consistent with the Lake Zurich zoning code, the legal use and occupancy of any structure existing on the date of adoption of this title or for which building permits have been applied and which meet all provisions of previous regulations may be continued without change, except as may be specifically covered in this title or as may be deemed necessary by the code official for the general safety and welfare of the occupants and the public.
C. Changes In Use: It is unlawful to make any change in the use or occupancy of any structure or portion thereof which would subject it to any provision of this title without the approval of the code official, who will determine that such structure meets the intent of the provisions of all codes and ordinances governing the new use or occupancy and that such change does not result in any greater hazard to public safety or welfare. When a change of use is contemplated in any part of an existing structure, that part of the structure must be upgraded to comply with this title.
D. Alterations Or Repairs: Alterations or repairs may be made to any structure without requiring the entire existing structure to comply with all the requirements of this title provided such alterations or repairs themselves conform to that required of a new structure and provided further that such alterations or repairs must not cause an existing structure to become unsafe or unsanitary and must not adversely affect the performance of the structure. (Ord. 2015-3-053, 3-16-2015)