A. Base Fees For Connections Within The Village's Corporate Limits: Fees for connection to the Village's water supply system and sewage collection and transmission system from within the Village's corporate limits shall be pursuant to title 13, chapter 1, "Fee Schedule", of this Code.
B. Base Fees For Connections Outside Of The Village's Corporate Limits: Fees for connection to the Village's water supply system and sewage collection and transmission system from outside the Village's corporate limits shall be pursuant to title 13, chapter 1, "Fee Schedule", of this Code.
C. Irrigation Fees For Connections Within The Village's Corporate Limits: Fees for connection to the Village's water supply system from within the Village's corporate limits and for irrigation purposes only shall be pursuant to title 13, chapter 1, "Fee Schedule", of this Code.
D. Irrigation Fees For Connections From Outside Of The Village's Corporate Limits: Fees for connection to the Village's water supply system from outside of the Village's corporate limits and for irrigation purposes only shall be pursuant to title 13, chapter 1, "Fee Schedule", of this Code.
E. Multiple-Unit, Multiple Tenant, And Multiple Bed Development Connection Fees For Connections Within The Village's Corporate Limits: Fees for connection to the Village's water supply system and sewage collection and transmission system from within the Village's corporate limits shall be pursuant to title 13, chapter 1, "Fee Schedule", of this Code in addition to the applicable base fee provided in subsection A of this section.
1. For the purposes of this subsection E, "rooming unit" means any habitable room used or intended to be used for living and sleeping.
2. For the purposes of this subsection E, multiple-unit, multiple tenant, and multiple bed developments shall include, without limitation, structures for townhouses, condominiums, and all other forms of multiple-family dwellings, industrial and commercial multiple-unit buildings, and hotels, motels, hospitals, and long term care facilities.
F. Multiple-Unit, Multiple Tenant, And Multiple Bed Development Connection Fees For Connections Outside The Village's Corporate Limits: Fees for connection to the Village's water supply system and sewage collection and transmission system from outside of the Village's corporate limits shall be pursuant to title 13, chapter 1, "Fee Schedule", of this Code, in addition to the applicable base fee provided in subsection A of this section.
1. For the purposes of this subsection F, "rooming unit" means any habitable room used or intended to be used for living and sleeping.
2. For the purposes of this subsection F, multiple-unit, multiple-tenant, and multiple bed developments shall include, without limitation, structures for townhouses, condominiums, and all other forms of multiple-family dwellings, industrial and commercial multiple-unit buildings, and hotels, motels, hospitals, and long term care facilities. (Ord. 2004-05-290, 5-17-2004; amd. Ord. 2018-12-279, 12-3-2018)
G. Expansion Of Existing Connection: If any use with an existing connection to the water supply system shall expand, then the user shall pay the difference, if any, between the base fee for the original connection as set forth in the applicable subsection of this section and the base fee applicable to the expanded use (not including capacity required solely for fire suppression purposes).
H. Fees Of Other Governmental Agencies: The base fee established in subsection A of this section is assessed in addition to any fee required by the County of Lake for sewage treatment services and in addition to any other fee for services from any governmental agency. (Ord. 2004-05-290, 5-17-2004)
I. Newly Annexed Property: For property annexed into the Village, the Board of Trustees may authorize the applicable base fee to be paid in equal installments over a period of time not greater than three (3) years; provided, however, that no such installment payments may be authorized unless the owner shall have entered into a binding agreement with the Village, in a form satisfactory to the Village Manager and recorded against the subject property, which agreement requires such payments and authorizes the Village to place, and if necessary foreclose, a lien against the subject property in the event of nonpayment. (Ord. 2004-05-290, 5-17-2004; amd. Ord. 2012-10-861, 10-1-2012)
J. No Superseder Of Ordinances Establishing Special Fees: In a few instances prior to January 1990, the Board of Trustees adopted ordinances establishing special connection fees for certain property in certain location in the Village. This section is not intended, and shall not be applied, to supersede any such ordinances.
K. Effective Date For Revised Connection Fees; Exception:
1. Effective Date For Revised Connection Fees: The revised water and sewer connection fees outlined in this section shall apply to all connections made on and after July 19, 2004.
2. Exception: Subject to the condition stated in the next sentence of this subsection K2, the water and sewer connection fees in effect prior to July 19, 2004, shall apply to any fully and properly completed application for development approval related to property located within the Village's corporate limits that is on file on or before July 19, 2004. If, however, the necessary building permits for the development have not been obtained within thirty (30) months after the date of such application, then the revised water and sewer connection fees outlined in this section shall apply. (Ord. 2004-05-290, 5-17-2004)
L. Authorization For Access To Village Records: The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency ("IEPA"), or any authorized representative of the IEPA, shall have access to all Village records and documents relating to the Village's system of, or accounting for, user charges for water and sewer service, but only for the purpose of conducting an audit, examination, or review thereof to ensure compliance with the terms of any relevant loan agreement currently in effect between the Village and the IEPA. (Ord. 2005-09-375, 9-6-2005)