A. Traffic Regulations:
1. Direction Of Traffic: All powered watercraft shall travel in a counterclockwise direction around the lake of Lake Zurich at all times when being operated outside of the marked no wake areas of the lake. (Ord. 98-06-917, 6-15-1998)
2. Speed: No vessel will be allowed to operate at a speed greater than thirty five (35) miles per hour.
3. Right Of Way:
a. When two (2) vessels are approaching each other "head on" or nearly so (so as to involve risk of collision), each vessel shall bear to the right and pass the other vessel on its left side.
b. When vessels approach each other obliquely, or at right angles, the vessel approaching on the right has the right of way.
c. One vessel may overtake another on either side but must grant right of way to the overtaken vessel.
d. When a vessel is approaching another vessel propelled solely by sail or oars, the vessel shall yield right of way to the sailboat or rowboat.
B. Careless Operation: No person shall operate any vessel in a careless or heedless manner so as to be grossly indifferent to the person or property of another person, or at a rate of speed greater than that which will permit him, in the exercise of reasonable care, to bring the vessel to a stop within the assured clear distance ahead. (1989 Code)
C. Reckless Activities Prohibited: No person shall operate any vessel or watercraft, or manipulate any water skis, aquaplane, or similar device, in such a manner as to:
1. Wilfully or wantonly endanger the life, limb, or property of any person;
2. Weave through congested traffic;
3. Jump the wake of another watercraft unreasonably or unnecessarily close to such other watercraft or when visibility around such other watercraft is obstructed;
4. Operate any watercraft toward or near another watercraft in such a manner as to require swerving or other sudden movement to avoid collision; or
5. Operate any watercraft so as to approach or pass another watercraft in such a manner or at such a rate of speed as to create a hazardous wake or wash. (Ord. 2004-12-330, 12-20-2004)
D. Interference With Water Traffic: No person shall operate any vessel in a manner which unreasonably or unnecessarily interferes with other vessels or with the free and proper navigation of the waterways of the village.
E. Prohibited Areas: It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any sailboat, rowboat, houseboat, pontoon boat or boat propelled by machinery or other watercraft in any pond, lake, river, canal or other body of water where posting clearly indicates that certain specific boating usage is prohibited. (1989 Code)
F. Night Operations: All motorized watercraft are restricted to low speed with no wake between sunset, as determined by the national weather service for the Lake Zurich area, and nine o'clock (9:00) A.M. every day. The village may further restrict such activities at any time when the village determines that the current weather has reduced visibility to less than five hundred feet (500') or otherwise has created an unsafe or potentially unsafe condition. (Ord. 2008-05-564, 5-19-2008)
G. Overloading:
1. No vessel shall be loaded with passengers or cargo beyond its safe carrying capacity, taking into consideration weather and other existing operating conditions.
2. The owner of any vessel or any person having such in charge or in control shall not authorize or knowingly permit to overload any vessel having a two (2) person capacity.
3. The owner of any vessel or person having such in charge or in control shall not authorize or knowingly permit any vessel to be overloaded in violation of the vessel's capacity plate and state statute.
H. Minors And Incapable Operators:
1. The owner of any vessel or any person having such in charge or in control shall not authorize or knowingly permit the same to be operated by any person who by reason of physical or mental disability is incapable of operating such vessel under the prevailing circumstances; nor shall the owner of any vessel or vessel's motor, or any person having such in charge or in control, permit any minor to operate such motor attached to a vessel or to operate a vessel without having first determined that such minor is familiar with the provisions of this section. The owner of a vessel or vessel's motor shall be liable for any damage to person or property caused by the vessel or the vessel's motor being operated in violation of this section; nor shall said owner permit a minor to operate a vessel when the owner has knowledge that the minor has violated this section.
2. No person under ten (10) years of age may operate a vessel equipped with a motor. Persons at least ten (10) years of age and less than twelve (12) years of age may operate a motorboat only if they are accompanied on the motorboat and under the direct control of a parent or guardian.
3. Persons between the age of twelve (12) years and eighteen (18) years may operate a motorboat if they have in their possession a valid boating safety certificate issued by the department of conservation, department of law enforcement, authorizing the holder to operate motorboats.
4. Persons between the ages of twelve (12) years and eighteen (18) years may operate a motorboat without a boating safety certificate, issued by the department of conservation, department of law enforcement, only when accompanied on the motorboat by a parent or legal guardian over the age of eighteen (18) years. (1989 Code)
I. Personal Flotation Devices:
1. Passengers Under Thirteen Years Of Age: No owner, operator, or person in charge or control of any watercraft shall authorize or knowingly permit any person under thirteen (13) years of age to ride in the vessel or watercraft without wearing a U.S. coast guard approved personal flotation device.
2. Nonswimmers: No owner, operator, or person in charge or control of any watercraft shall authorize or knowingly permit any person who cannot swim to ride in the watercraft unless such person wears a U.S. coast guard approved personal flotation device. (Ord. 2004-12-330, 12-20-2004)
J. Swimming From Watercraft:
1. Designated Swim Area: Swimming from watercraft is allowed only in a designated swimming area and is subject to the following requirements:
a. The watercraft must be a minimum of eighteen feet (18') in length. Swimming from any watercraft less than eighteen feet (18') in length is prohibited.
b. The watercraft must be anchored and equipped with a ladder or rear platform for swimmer recovery.
c. The watercraft must have an occupant ratio of no more than three (3) children per adult.
d. One person at least sixteen (16) years of age must remain in the watercraft at all times.
e. All swimmers must remain within twenty feet (20') of their watercraft and within the designated swimming area.
f. Children ten (10) years of age and younger who are swimming must wear a U.S. coast guard approved life vest at all times.
g. All types of beach float devices are prohibited in conjunction with swimming from boats.
h. Swimming from boats is prohibited between sunset, as determined by the national weather service for the Lake Zurich area, and nine o'clock (9:00) A.M. every day. The village may further restrict such activities at any time when the village determines that the current weather has reduced visibility to less than five hundred feet (500') or otherwise has created an unsafe or potentially unsafe condition.
2. Appropriate Equipment Required Outside Designated Swim Area: Except as provided in subsection J1 of this section for swimming in a designated swimming area, no person may dive, jump, or otherwise disembark from any vessel except for waterskiing or a similar activity, with appropriate equipment. (Ord. 2008-05-564, 5-19-2008)
K. Top Or Cover When Towing: When a vessel is used as a towing vehicle, no convertible top or weather cover will be allowed to be in place while towing so as not to restrict or impair the watcher's or driver's vision of any skiers or other vessels.
L. Beach Floats: Beach float devices shall be restricted to marked swimming areas or within one hundred feet (100') of the shoreline. (1989 Code)
M. Restricted Areas: No person shall operate a motorboat within a water area which has been clearly marked by buoys or some other distinguishing device as a bathing, fishing, swimming or otherwise restricted area by an owner or lessee of property in accordance with his rights to the use of said property; provided, that this subsection shall not apply in the case of an emergency, or to patrol or rescue craft; except further that such boat may be operated in the manner prescribed by the buoys or signs. (1989 Code; amd. Ord. 90-06-389, 6-18-1990)
N. Distance From Beach Areas: No person shall operate a watercraft within one hundred feet (100') of any swimming area marked by line buoys or any posted swimming area when swimmers are present, except only when docking with a pier or leaving a pier. (Ord. 98-06-917, 6-15-1998)