A. Placement Restricted:
1. Except as provided in this sentence and in subsection A2 of this section, no mailbox shall be placed or maintained within any Village right-of-way except when required by Federal laws or regulations for delivery of U.S. mail. When so required, only one mailbox per residence or per nonresidential lot may be placed within the Village right-of- way except multiple user mailboxes approved by the United States Postal Service. All mailboxes placed within Village right-of-way shall conform to the requirements of this section.
2. A mailbox placed in a Village right-of-way prior to September 1, 1997, may remain in the right-of-way subject to the following conditions: a) the mailbox is maintained by the property owner in good condition at all times, including prompt repair of any element of such mailbox needing repair; b) the mailbox may not be rebuilt, enlarged, or moved at any time except only if such mailbox is moved out of the right- of-way; c) the mailbox shall be removed from the right-of-way immediately if the building it serves has closed or been removed or relocated; d) the mailbox shall be removed from the right-of-way immediately if the Village determines in the exercise of its sole discretion that such mailbox poses a particular threat to public safety. (Ord. 97-10-879, 10-6-1997)
B. Location: No mailbox shall be placed so that it extends to a point within eight inches (8") of the edge of the pavement. Every mailbox shall be placed at a height consistent with Federal laws and regulations. (Ord. 95-04-727, 4-17-1995)
C. Support Structure: Every mailbox permitted within the Village right-of-way pursuant to subsection A1 of this section shall be mounted either on a wooden post no smaller than four inches by four inches (4" x 4") and no larger than six inches by six inches (6" x 6") or on a light gauge hollow pipe no smaller than one and one-half inches (11/2") in diameter and no larger than three inches (3") in diameter. The Village Manager may approve a different support structure, but only if the Village Manager finds that such support structure is as safe as the structures provided herein. The support structure shall be firmly secured in the ground. Under no circumstances shall any support structure constructed, reconstructed, replaced, moved, or repaired (if damaged to the extent of 50 percent of its value at the time of repair) after September 1, 1997, include a masonry column, concrete, railroad rails or ties, a tractor wheel, a plow blade, a milk can, a barrel, a lawn tractor, or any similar object or device. (Ord. 97-10-879, 10-6-1997; amd. Ord. 2012-10-861, 10-1-2012)
D. Removal Of Nonconforming Mailboxes: Except as provided in subsection A2 of this section, all mailboxes that do not comply with the provisions of this section shall be removed on or before October 31, 1997. (Ord. 97-10-879, 10-6-1997)
E. Damage By Village: If a mailbox located within the Village's right-of-way is damaged by the Village, then the Village shall be required to, but only to: 1) repair such mailbox, or 2) replace such mailbox with a standard U.S. Postal Service box and support structure complying with the standards set forth in the first sentence of subsection C of this section, or 3) reimburse the owner for damages in amounts limited as follows: not more than thirty dollars ($30.00) for replacement of a post; or not more than twenty dollars ($20.00) for replacement of a mailbox; or not more than fifty dollars ($50.00) for replacement of both a post and a mailbox. (Ord. 2007-05-497, 5-21-2007)
F. No Reconstruction, Repair Or Replacement: No mailbox that does not conform to the requirements of this section shall be reconstructed, replaced, moved, or repaired if deteriorated or damaged to the extent of fifty percent (50%) of its value at the time of repair, unless such resulting mailbox shall fully conform to the requirements of subsections B and C of this section. (Ord. 95-04-727, 4-17-1995)
G. Penalty: Any person violating any provision of this section shall be fined pursuant to title 13, chapter 1, "Fee Schedule", of this Code for each offense. A separate offense shall be deemed to have been committed for each violation and for each day on which such violation occurs or continues.
H. Payments To Avoid Prosecution: A person charged with a violation of this section may avoid prosecution by paying to the Village the amounts pursuant to title 13, chapter 1, "Fee Schedule", of this Code for each violation within the time specified. (Ord. 95-04-727, 4-17-1995; amd. Ord. 2018-12-279, 12-3-2018)
After twenty five (25) days, the fine must be paid in full or a court appearance will be required. (Ord. 95-04-727, 4-17-1995)