A. Obstructing Public Ways: No person shall obstruct or endanger the free passage or proper use of the public of any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, except as may be permitted by this code.
B. Damaging Public Ways And Property: No person shall damage or deface any street, alley, sidewalk, public way, park or other public property, or any post, wire, lamp, street sign, traffic sign, tree, grass, vegetation, gutter, drain, manhole or any other appurtenance thereon, except as may be authorized by the village. (1989 Code)
C. Games On Sidewalks: No person shall engage in any game, sport or amusement of any kind upon any sidewalk in any commercial or industrial zone in such a manner as to interfere with the passage of persons using same. (Ord. 90-03-378, 3-19-1990)
D. Metal Detectors: No person shall use or operate on public property a metal detector, or any other similar sensing device, for the purpose of locating or removing objects from below the grass or the surface of the soil, and no person shall, as a corollary of such use, damage, dig into, or otherwise injure or alter any public property. (Ord. 97-08-868, 8-4-1997)