The following terms have the meanings herein ascribed to them:
CONSTRUCTION: All on-site work for which a building permit is required pursuant to title 8 of this Code, including work done in constructing new buildings or structures, or additions to buildings or structures, whether interior or exterior, from earthwork to completion, including without limitation excavation, erection, construction, assembly, alteration, rehabilitation, modernization, improvement, or addition.
CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR: Any person, company, partnership, or other entity that:
   A.   Arranges or submits a bid, or offers to undertake, or purports to have the capacity to undertake, through himself or through others, construction to any building or structure or to any appurtenance thereto attached to real estate and located on the same lot as the building or structure, including but not limited to driveways, swimming pools, porches, decks, garages, fences, fallout shelters, and other accessory objects or uses; or
   B.   Undertakes construction to any building or structure or to any appurtenance thereto attached to real estate and located on the same lot as the building or structure, including, but not limited to, driveways, swimming pools, porches, decks, garages, fences, fallout shelters, and other accessory objects or uses.
   C.   The term construction contractor does not include the following:
      1.   Any employee working for a construction contractor registered or required to be registered under this chapter and acting within the scope of his or her employment.
      2.   Any person who merely furnishes materials or supplies for use at a construction site without fabricating them into, or consuming them in the performance of, construction.
      3.   Any architect or engineer acting within the scope of his or her license.
      4.   Any person working on residential property that is owned by that person.
      5.   Any property owner, or an employee or agent of that property owner, that does minor, nonstructural repairs, not requiring a building permit pursuant to title 8 of this Code, on that property owner's property.
      6.   A governmental entity for work on premises owned by a governmental entity and performed by employees of a governmental entity.
      7.   The Village.
VILLAGE: The Village and all of its officials, officers, employees, and agents. (Ord. 2009-01-608, 1-19-2009)