Except as permitted by license issued by the village pursuant to this chapter, it shall be unlawful for any person to sell, consume or possess open containers of alcoholic liquor or nonalcoholic beer on any village park property, or in any village building, or on any street, sidewalk, alley or other public place in the village; provided, however, that the sale, consumption and possession of open containers of alcoholic liquor specifically authorized by a license issued pursuant to this chapter and confined to the premises for which such license is issued is authorized.
This section shall not apply to those businesses or vendors which are official participants in village sanctioned and approved outdoor events which take place on public property of the village, or to those persons who consume or possess open containers of alcoholic liquor or nonalcoholic beer purchased from or provided by an approved business or vendor operating as an official participant in such a village sanctioned or approved outdoor activity on village property. Any and all businesses or vendors which participate in such outdoor events shall still be required to abide by all other requirements of, and secure a proper liquor license under, the village's liquor control provisions in order to sell or serve alcoholic liquor.
(Ord. 2013-09-908, 9-3-2013; amd. Ord. 2020-02-257, 2-3-2020)