This zoning code is adopted pursuant to the authority granted to the village of Lake Zurich by the Illinois municipal code for the following purposes:
   A.   Overall Purpose: The overall purpose of this zoning code is to maintain Lake Zurich as a community comprised principally of well maintained single-family residential neighborhoods and separately located, thriving business areas.
   B.   Land Use Patterns: The purposes of this zoning code related to land use patterns are to:
      1.   Implement and foster the goals and policies of the village's official comprehensive plan; and
      2.   Establish a rational pattern of land uses and encourage the most appropriate use of individual parcels of land in the village; and
      3.   Encourage compatibility between different land uses and protect the scale and character of existing development from the encroachment of incompatible uses; and
      4.   Encourage and promote detached single-family homes as the principal land use in the village; and
      5.   Provide for the gradual elimination of nonconforming uses that adversely affect the character and value of permitted development; and
      6.   Protect the public from harm from the loss of natural resources by encouraging and enhancing the preservation of natural resources, aesthetic amenities, and natural features, including, among other things, the preservation of lowland and upland soils, wetlands, and natural existing views of the lake of Lake Zurich; and
      7.   Secure adequate natural light, clean air, privacy, a safe environment, and convenience of access to property; and
      8.   Promote and protect the public health, safety, morals, and the general welfare of the village.
   C.   Public Infrastructure: The purposes of this zoning code related to public infrastructure are to:
      1.   Facilitate the most efficient use of existing and planned public facilities and utilities; and
      2.   Protect existing public facilities and utilities from being overloaded due to excess development or development incompatible with the capabilities of the village's utility systems; and
      3.   Protect and enhance a pattern of interconnected streets and highways that is unified, integrated, safe, effective, and efficient; and
      4.   Reduce congestion and promote safety on streets and highways by limiting traffic generation through the control of land use intensity; and
      5.   Avoid or lessen the hazards of flooding and stormwater accumulation and runoff; and
      6.   Establish and regulate setback and yard lines along streets and highways and property lines.
   D.   Justifiable Expectations And Taxable Value: The purposes of this zoning code related to justifiable expectations and taxable value are to:
      1.   Protect and respect the justifiable reliance of existing residents, businesspeople, and taxpayers on the continuation of existing, established land use patterns; and
      2.   Protect and enhance the taxable value of land and buildings, including, among other things, the value and use of publicly owned land and buildings.
   E.   Administration: The purposes of this zoning code related to administration are to:
      1.   Define the powers and duties of administrative officers and bodies necessary to administer this zoning code; and
      2.   Establish procedures for the efficient and effective use of the provisions of this zoning code; and
      3.   Establish standards for the review of applications filed pursuant to this zoning code; and
      4.   Prescribe penalties for the violation of the provisions of this zoning code. (Ord., 10-2004)