(a)   Fences shall be of durable materials conforming to accepted industry standards for fencing materials and display a finished face toward adjacent streets and properties and shall not be adorned with signs, graphics, or paintings of any kind.
   (b)   All repairs or partial replacements to any part of an existing fence must match and conform to the existing size, shape, materials, and color or the entire fence shall be replaced completely.
   (c)   Fences and living fences immediately adjacent to a property line shall not be included in the calculation of total principal or accessory structure lot coverage.
   (d)   Fences enclosing swimming pools shall be permitted, pursuant to Section 1722.08.
   (e)   A security fence is permitted as regulated by Section 1159.05(i)(1).
   (f)   Barbed wire and/or razor fences:
      (1)   Are prohibited in residential and commercial zoning districts;
      (2)   Are permitted in industrial zoning districts provided that such fences shall be of chain link construction topped with barb arms with no more than three strands of barbed wire; said arms to be no less than seventy-two inches and no more than ninety-six inches above grade.
   (g)   Temporary construction fence for the protection of pedestrians during excavation and construction shall be approved by the Building Commissioner as part of the demolition or construction plan (See Ohio Building Code Chapter 33 for guidance). Temporary construction fencing shall remain in place until construction and all inspections are complete as certified by the Building Commissioner and must be removed upon such certification.
   (h)   Fences are permitted in Planned Development Districts pursuant to Section 1156.05(k).
   (i)   The Building Commissioner may require Architectural Board of Review (ABR) review and approval of any fence design. ABR shall consider fence designs depicted in the most recent edition of the American Institute of Architects' "Architectural Graphic Standards" and the development of adjacent, contiguous, and neighboring buildings, and properties in order to achieve the purposes of the ABR as set forth in Chapter 1325.
(Ord. 08-2021. Passed 5-17-21.)