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   (a)   Completion. The owner shall notify the City Engineer upon completion of all construction improvements or temporary or permanent soil erosion, sediment, and other wastes control practices and the removal of the temporary soil erosion, sediment, and other wastes control practices for which the guarantee has been provided.
   (b)   Final Acceptance. The City will grant final acceptance and release the guarantee when the following criteria are met:
      (1)   Final stabilization is achieved, as approved by the City Engineer;
      (2)   All water quality BMPs are installed and functioning as per the approved SWMP, as witnessed by the City Engineer during an as-built inspection;
      (3)   An as -built SWMP is approved by and filed with the City Engineer, which as -built SWMP shall include at a minimum:
         A.   Location and dimensions of all permanent BMPs;
         B.    Maintenance requirements of each BMP;
         C.    Identification of the entity responsible for long-term maintenance;
         D.    Posting of a two-year maintenance bond in the amount of 25 percent of the storm water infrastructure installed value as determined by the City Engineer; and
         E.    Signature, seal and date approved by a professional engineer.
   (c)   Perpetual Agreement. An approved inspection and maintenance agreement shall be filed with the City Division of Housing and Building. The agreement must be signed by the contractor, City and the private owner or homeowners association who will take long-term responsibility for the permanent BMPs.
(Ord. 28-14. Passed 12-15-2014.)