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   (a)   Applicants or their consultants may request a pre-application meeting with the City Engineer and Building Department to review all SWMP or Abbreviated SWP3 requirements and fees.
   (b)   Sites with a disturbed area of 8,000 square feet or less shall submit their plan, SWMPs or Abbreviated SWP3, hydraulics and hydrology report, and application to the City Engineer for approval.
   (c)   Sites with a disturbed area of 8, 000 square feet or more shall submit their plan, hydraulics and hydrology report and application directly to the City Engineer. The City and local soil and water conservation district shall review and provide comments ( if any). The process shall repeat until approval is reached ( i.e., a recommnendation of approval from the local soil and water conservation district).
   (d)   SWMPs and SWP3s developed by the site owners and approved by the City in accordance with this regulation do not relieve the site owner of responsibility for obtaining and complying with all other necessary permits and approvals from federal, state, county, and local agencies and departments. If requirements vary, the most stringent requirement shall be followed. SWMPs submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval shall be accompanied by all other required permits and documentation relevant to the project, including but not limited to the permits required and issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Ohio EPA and ODNR Division of Water.
   (e)   The application must include a letter or report from the Cuyahoga Soil and Water Conservation District (CSWCD) that states the SWMP has been reviewed and meets all requirements of the Ohio EPA and this chapter.
   (f)   Three sets of the SWMP documents or Abbreviated SWP3s and all items required by this chapter shall be submitted to the City Engineer with text material being submitted on 8.5 by 11 inch paper and drawings on no larger than 24 by 36 inch sized paper with scaled reductions on 11 by 17 inch paper.
   (g)   The City Engineer shall review the documents, including the review report from the CSWCD, and shall approve or return these with comments and recommendations for revisions within 30 working days after receipt of the plan as described above. A plan rejected because of deficiencies shall receive a report stating specific problems. At the time of receipt of a revised plan, another 30 -day review period shall begin.
   (h)   Approved SWMPs or Abbreviated SWP3s shall terminate 24 months after the effective date of the plan approval if the owner or operator has not undertaken a continuing program of installation or modification or has not entered into a binding contractual obligation to undertake and complete, within a reasonable time, a continuing program of installation or modification. The City Engineer may extend these dates of expiration by up to 12 months if the applicant submits, within a reasonable time before the termination date, a written request containing information that, in the judgment of the City Engineer, adequately justifies an extension of time.
   (i)   The City will perform construction inspections until the site reaches final stabilization as determined by the City Engineer.
   (j)   The SWMP review, filing and inspection fee is pail of the complete application submittal and must be paid in fall by the applicant or owner prior to the commencement of any reviews by the City. The city engineer shall establish a fee schedule based upon the actual estimated cost for providing these services. At such time that the fee reserve balance falls below 35 percent of its original balance the applicant or owner will be required to deposit additional funds to cover the anticipated costs of future fees or return the reserve to the original balance, as determined by the city engineer. Upon Final Acceptance, all funds remaining will be returned to the or owner. The schedule of fees is available in Section 1339.15.
(Ord. 28-14. Passed 12-15-2014.)