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   (a)   No person shall begin soil disturbing activity unless all necessary local, county, state and federal permits have been granted to the owner or operator, including permits for construction that falls within the scope of this chapter.
   (b)   Two building permits will be issued for all construction that falls within the scope of this chapter:
      (1)   The first building permit will allow the construction of the footers, basement walls or slabs, and utility service laterals. The first building permit will not be issued until the storm water management plan (SWMP) is approved.
      (2)   No additional construction shall be performed and no additional building materials shall be allowed on the site until the City has issued the second building permit. The City Engineer may approve the stockpiling of additional construction materials on the site prior to the issuance of the second permit if a suitable location can be identified. Proper soil erosion and sediment control must be maintained on the stockpile area prior to, during, and after the area is used for stockpiling.
      (3)   The second building permit will allow delivery of the remaining building materials and prosecution of the remaining construction activities. This second building permit will not be issued until the City Engineer certifies that the required BMPs and any other BMPs identified in the SWMP submitted with the Application for the first building permit have been properly installed.
         (Ord. 28-14. Passed 12-15-2014.)