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   No basement space shall be occupied as a habitable room unless it conforms to all of the following standards, in addition to all other requirements of this Code for habitable rooms:
   (a)   The rooms shall have been, prior to the effective date of this Code, originally designed and constructed, or legally converted to use as a habitable room.
   (b)   The floors and walls are impervious to leakage or seepage of water into the habitable space and are insulated against dampness.
   (c)   The total window area in each room is equal to the minimum window area as required in Section 1306.17(a).
   (d)   Such required minimum window area shall be located entirely above the grade of the ground adjoining such window area; provided, however, that such window openings may face upon an area way or window well where the width of such well, measured perpendicularly to the building wall at such opening, is not less than the distance from the bottom of the window to the finished grade at such window, and
   (e)   The total window area required to be open in each room is equal to at least the minimum as required under Section 1306.17(b), except where there is supplied some other devices affording adequate ventilation and approved by the Building Commissioner. (Ord. 68-97. Passed 4-20-1998.)