For the purposes of this Code, the following words and phrases shall have the meaning set forth in the following sections:
(a) “Alteration” means any change in the type of occupancy, or rearrangement, addition or modification in construction, equipment, appurtenances, or facilities.
(b) “Approved” means approved by the Building Commissioner of the City of Lakewood pursuant to this Code, or approved by any other authority designated by City ordinances to give approval to the matter in question.
(c) “Basement” means a story of a building located partly below the finished grade of the lot, but having at least one-half of its height above the finished grade.
(d) “Bathroom” means a room equipped with a lavatory, toilet and tub or shower.
(e) “Building Commissioner”, “Building Official”: Building Commissioner means the appropriate official from the Division of Building Inspection. Building Official means the appropriate official from the Division of Building Inspection or Division of Public Health or the Department of Public Safety of the City of Lakewood and includes their authorized agents or representatives.
(f) “Building” means any roofed structure designed or used or intended to be used for the shelter or enclosure of persons, animals, chattels or property of any kind or a combination of such uses.
(g) “Cellar” means a space having more than one-half of its clear height below the adjoining ground. Excavations made for the purpose of window wells and/or retaining walls shall not be considered in the determination of the adjoining ground.
(h) “Communal kitchen” means a kitchen within a building used by the occupants of more than one dwelling unit or shared or used by any person other than the members of one family.
(i) “Condominium property” means and includes the land, together with all buildings, improvements and structures thereon, all easements, rights and appurtenances belonging thereto, and all articles of personal property which have been submitted to the provisions of Ohio R.C. Chapter 5311.
(j) “Court” means an open space bounded on one or more sides by the walls of a building, the bottom of which open space is either above or below the ground level of the lot on which such building is located and which is clear, open and unobstructed from the bottom thereof to the sky.
(k) “Dwellings”:
(1) Dormitory: A space in a building where group sleeping accommodations are provided in one room, or in a series of closely associated rooms, for persons not members of the same family group.
(2) Dwelling unit: A single unit providing complete, independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation.
(3) Hotel/Motel: Any building containing guestrooms, intended or designed to be occupied, or which are rented or hired out to be occupied, for sleeping purposes by guests not to exceed 30 days.
(4) One-family dwelling: A building arranged, intended, designed, or redesigned to contain one dwelling unit.
(5) Rooming house: A building arranged or occupied for lodging, without meals, for compensation.
(6) Rooming unit: Any room or group of rooms forming a single habitable unit occupied or intended to be occupied for sleeping or living, but not for cooking purposes.
(7) Two-family dwelling: A building arranged, intended, designed, or redesigned to contain two dwelling units.
(8) Three-family dwelling: A building arranged, intended, designed, or redesigned to contain three dwelling units.
(9) Multi-family dwelling: A building arranged, intended, designed, or redesigned to contain four or more dwelling units.
(l) “Exterior property” means the open space on the premises and tree lawn areas and on the adjoining property and the accessory structure(s) under the control of the owner or operator of such premises.
(m) “Family” means an individual or two or more persons living together as a single housekeeping group in a dwelling unit. A “single housekeeping group” exists where the group of individuals share expenses and labor related to the maintenance of the dwelling unit and are living and eating together as a household. “Family” shall not include an individual occupying a rooming unit nor a group of unrelated individuals occupying a rooming house.
(n) “Garbage” means animal or vegetable waste resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking and consumption of food.
(o) “Habitable room” means a room or enclosed floor space used or intended to be used for living, sleeping, cooking or eating purposes, excluding bathrooms, water closet compartments, recreation rooms, laundries, pantries, halls, closets, storage and similar spaces.
(p) “Kitchen” means a room or compartment equipped, intended or used for the preparation of food, and having a floor area of not less than 60 square feet.
(q) “Kitchenette” means a room or compartment equipped, intended or used for the preparation of food, and having a floor area of less than 60 square feet.
(r) “Occupiable structure” means a building, structure or enclosed space that is used for purposes other than residential occupancy, including, but not limited to, the following: theaters, dance halls and nightclubs, businesses, retail stores, industrial, storage garages and sheds.
(s) “Operator” means any person who has charge, care or control of a building or part thereof in which dwelling units or rooming units are let.
(t) “Owner” means the owner(s) or occupant(s) of the premises, including a purchaser in possession, a mortgagee or receiver in possession, a life tenant, a lessee or joint lessees of the whole thereof or any other person, firm, corporation or fiduciary in control of the premises.
(u) “Person” means a natural person, firm, partnership or corporation.
(v) “Place of assembly” means any church, theater, lunchroom, meeting room, dance hall, school or auditorium, exposition hall, passenger depot, or any building or portion of any building in which persons congregate for any purpose whatsoever.
(w) “Plumbing” means and includes all of the following supplied facilities and equipment: gas pipes, gas-burning equipment, water pipes, garbage disposal units, waste pipes, water closets, sinks, installed dishwashers, lavatories, bathtubs, shower baths, whirlpool tubs, clothes-washing machines, catch basins, drains, vents and any other similar supplied fixtures, together with all connections to water, sewer or gas lines.
(x) “Premises” means a lot, parcel or plot of land including the buildings or structures thereon.
(y) “Public hallway” means a hallway, corridor or passageway within a building that is or may be used by any occupant of such building.
(z) “Rubbish” means any combustible and noncombustible waste materials, except garbage, and includes without limitation the residue from the burning of wood, coal, coke and other combustible material, paper, rags, cartons, boxes, wood, excelsior, rubber, leather, tree branches, yard trimmings, grass clippings, tin cans, metals, mineral matter, glass, crockery and dust.
(aa) “Shall” as used in this Code is “must” and generally means imperative or mandatory.
(bb) “Structure” means anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires either location on the ground or attachment to another structure located on the ground, including but not limited to barriers, bleachers, booths, buildings, display stands, fences, platforms, poles, pools, sheds, signs, above and below ground tanks, towers, and walls and shall include the supporting framework or parts thereof and appurtenances thereto; “structure” does not include a decorative light pole extending eight (8) feet or less above grade, a flag pole extending fifteen (15) feet or less above grade, or a sidewalk, driveway, or patio at grade.
(cc) “Supplied” means furnished or provided by or under the control of the owner or operator.
(dd) “Townhouse”-“Rowhouse” means an attached single-family dwelling in a group of similar dwellings with no two dwelling units served by the same stairway or by the same exterior door.
(ee) “Ventilation” means the process of replacing foul air with fresh air by natural or mechanical means.
“Ventilation, Mechanical” means ventilation derived by means of fans or other mechanical devices.
“Ventilation, Natural” means ventilation derived from open windows, doors, louvers or other openings opening directly to the outside.
(ff) “Workmanship” means all repairs, maintenance work, alterations or installations which are caused directly or indirectly by the enforcement of this code shall be executed and installed in a workmanlike manner in accordance with current industry standards.
(gg) “Yard” means an open space on a lot, unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground to the sky.
(Ord. 68-97. Passed 4-20-1998.)
(Ord. 68-97. Passed 4-20-1998.)