(a)   Parking for a medical marijuana dispensary shall be configured so as to prevent vehicular headlights from shining into adjacent residentially zoned and/or used property. Parking areas configured such that vehicular headlights are directed toward public rights-of-way across from residentially zoned and/or used property shall provide continuous screening and shall conform to the design requirements set forth in Chapter 1325 of the Building Code and be approved by the Architectural Board of Review. Landscaping and screening shall be continuously maintained and promptly restored, if necessary, pursuant to Chapter 1141.
   (b)   Ingress and egress drives and primary circulation lanes shall be located away from residential areas where practical to minimize vehicular traffic and noise which may become a nuisance to adjacent residential areas.
   (c)   All building entrances intended to be utilized by patrons shall be located on the side(s) of the building which does not abut residentially zoned and/or used property, whenever possible, to minimize the potential for patrons to congregate and create noise which may become a nuisance to adjacent residential areas.
   (d)   All exterior site and building lighting, which shall be provided, must be approved by the Architectural Board of Review pursuant to Chapter 1325 of the Building Code, and such design shall minimize the intrusive effect of glare and illumination upon any abutting areas, especially residential.
   (e)   Any medical marijuana dispensary adjacent to a residential district and/or use shall contain a minimum six-foot-high solid fence along such abutting property lines and be approved by the Architectural Board of Review pursuant to Chapter 1325.
   (f)   Rules, regulations and local permitting requirements imposed on a licensee by the City shall be interpreted in all instances to conform to the state licensing requirements for dispensaries, but in the event the City's rules, regulations and permitting requirements impose a greater obligation on a licensee than the state licensing requirements, the local provisions shall be enforced.
   (g)   Applicants must meet any additional criteria and fulfill any additional requirements associated with obtaining a conditional use permit in the City. The City shall review all qualifying applications at a reasonable pace and level of review equivalent to other land use projects requiring a conditional use permit.
(Ord. 32-17. Passed 10-2-2017.)