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   (a)   Marijuana dispensaries may be located only in a C1 Office, C2 Retail, and C3 General Business District as a conditionally permitted use pursuant to Section 1129.02 and Chapter 1161 and in accordance with the restrictions contained in this chapter.
   (b)   No marijuana dispensaries may be established or operated within 500 feet of a school, church, public library, public playground, or public park in the City.
   (c)   No marijuana dispensary may be established, operated or enlarged within one mile of another marijuana dispensary.
   (d)   For the purpose of subsections (b) and (c) of this section, measurement shall be made from the nearest portion of the building or structure used as the part of the premises where a marijuana dispensary is conducted, to the nearest property line of the premises of a marijuana dispensary or a school, church, public library, public playground, or public park.
(Ord. 42-2023. Passed 6-3-24.)