An application for approval of a Preliminary PD Plan, together with submitted plans and reports, shall be reviewed for its conformance with the following standards:
   (a)   The proposed PD should contain uses that are sensitive to the abutting land uses and to the zoning designation which the PD is replacing. Mixed use within the planned development or within the same structure located in the PD is encouraged where appropriate;
   (b)   The proposed PD shall comply with the subdivision requirements as set forth in Chapter 1155 of this Code, except to the extent modifications, variances, or waivers have been expressly allowed pursuant to paragraph (e) below;
   (c)   Adverse impacts on adjacent properties, including but not limited to increased traffic or noise, as described in Chapter 515 of the Ordinances, and visual impacts, shall be mitigated to the maximum extent feasible;
   (d)   The PD shall be integrated with adjacent development through street connections, sidewalks, trails, and similar features;
   (e)   All district, development, and subdivision standards set forth in Chapters 1127 and 1129 (such as lot size, floor area ratio, structure height, etc.), and 1155, except those specified in subsection (f) below, may be modified or varied upon a finding that the proposed PD incorporates creative site design which represents an improvement in quality and service of the purposes set forth in Section 1156.01 over what could have been accomplished through strict application of the otherwise applicable district or development standards, including but not limited to improvements in open space provision and access; environmental protection; tree/vegetation preservation; efficient provision of streets, roads, and other utilities and services; or choice of living and housing environments;
   (f)   The proposed PD shall comply with the following requirements, which shall not be modified or varied except as expressly set forth below or as permitted by the Commission.
      (1)   Minimum area requirement. All Planned Developments shall have a minimum size of 10,000 square feet.
      (2)    Setbacks from adjoining residential uses. A Planned Development shall comply with any applicable zone district standards that require minimum setbacks from adjoining residential uses or properties as set forth in Chapter 1121 and 1123.
      (3)   Environmental protection standards. All Planned Developments shall comply with Ohio Environmental Protection Agency regulations and local ordinances.
      (4)    Architectural and design standards. All Planned Developments shall comply with all architectural and design standards, including those set forth in Section 1156.05, Design Principles, of this Code and Chapter 1325 of the Building Code.
(Ord. 17-17. Passed 3-20-17.)