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   Council hereby incorporates into Council records the procedure for the appointment and nomination by Council of members of the Governing Board of the Lakewood Hospital Association, a nonprofit hospital agency, as follows:
   (a)   Two members of Council shall be representatives of the City and members ex officio of the Governing Board, with all the privileges and emoluments of such membership, including voting rights. The members of Council to be members of the Governing Board shall be selected by Council by a majority vote of all of its members with, if more than one political party is represented in Council, one from each of the two political parties having the largest and second largest number of representatives on Council as of January 2 of the year in which the two-year term commences. Those initially selected shall serve until December 31, 1987, or in each case until that person ceases to be a member of Council, whichever is earlier. If a member of the Governing Board so selected by Council ceases to be a member of Council prior to the expiration of his or her term, the vacancy in the Governing Board created thereby shall be filled for the unexpired term by Council in the same manner as the original appointment.
   (b)   Council shall nominate two persons to serve as members of the Governing Board. The persons so nominated shall be considered by the Governing Board in its capacity as members of the Lakewood Hospital Association. The Governing Board may, but need not, elect one or more of the nominees as members of the Governing Board and shall request that Council nominate additional names for the position not filled. The term of the members elected pursuant to this subsection shall be five years, except that of the persons initially selected pursuant to this subsection, one nominated by Council shall serve until December 31, 1988, and the other until December 31, 1990. Thereafter, Council shall deliver the names of persons nominated pursuant to this subsection to the Lakewood Hospital Association prior to November 1 in the year in which the term of the incumbent appointed pursuant to this subsection will expire. If a member of the Governing Board selected pursuant to this subsection ceases to be a member prior to the expiration of his or her term, the vacancy in the Governing Board created thereby shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as for the original appointment.
   (c)   Council shall nominate three members of the Governing Board to be appointed as representatives of community organizations. The term of members of the Governing Board selected pursuant to this subsection shall be five years, except that the terms of the initial members shall expire on December 31, 1988, December 31, 1989, and December 31, 1990. The terms of the initial members shall be determined by lot. The persons so nominated shall be considered by the Governing Board in its capacity as members of the Lakewood Hospital Association. The Governing Board may, but need not, elect one or more of the nominees as members of the Governing Board and shall request that Council nominate additional persons for any position not filled. If any person selected pursuant to this subsection should cease to be a member of the Governing Board prior to the expiration of that person's term, such vacancy shall be filled in the same manner as provided herein for the original appointment.
   (d)   No member of the Governing Board, except those identified in subsection (a) hereof, shall hold any public office or employment other than as a member of the State militia or a reserve component of the Armed Forces of the United States. (Res. 6150-87. Passed 6-15-1987.)