(a) No person, knowingly and for gain, shall do either of the following:
(1) Entice or solicit another to patronize a prostitute or brothel;
(2) Procure a prostitute for another to patronize, or take or direct another at his or her request to any place for the purpose of patronizing a prostitute.
(b) No person, having authority or responsibility over the use of premises, shall knowingly permit such premises to be used for the purpose of engaging in sexual activity for hire.
(c) Whoever violates this section is guilty of procuring, a misdemeanor of the first degree.
(ORC 2907.23)
(a) No person, with purpose to solicit another to engage in sexual activity for hire and while in or near a public place, shall do any of the following:
(1) Beckon to, stop or attempt to stop another;
(2) Engage or attempt to engage another in conversation;
(3) Stop or attempt to stop the operator of a vehicle or approach a stationary vehicle;
(4) If the offender is the operator of or a passenger in a vehicle, stop, attempt to stop, beckon to, attempt to beckon to, or entice another to approach or enter the vehicle of which the offender is the operator or in which the offender is the passenger;
(5) Interfere with the free passage of another.
(b) As used in this section:
(1) “Vehicle” has the same meaning as in Ohio R.C. 4501.01.
(2) “Public place” means any of the following:
A. A street, road, highway, thoroughfare, bikeway, walkway, sidewalk, bridge, alley, alleyway, plaza, park, driveway, parking lot or transportation facility;
B. A doorway or entrance way to a building that fronts on a place described in subsection (b)(2)A. hereof;
C. A place not described in subsection (b)(2)A. or B. hereof that is open to the public.
(c) Whoever violates subsection (a) hereof is guilty of loitering to engage in solicitation, a misdemeanor of the third degree.
(Ord. 32-02. Passed 9-3-02.)
(a) No person, with knowledge of its character or content, shall recklessly do any of the following:
(1) Sell, deliver, furnish, disseminate, provide, exhibit, rent or present to a juvenile any material or performance that is obscene or harmful to juveniles;
(2) Offer or agree to sell, deliver, furnish, disseminate, provide, exhibit, rent or present to a juvenile any material or performance that is obscene or harmful to juveniles; or
(3) Allow any juvenile to review or peruse any material or view any live performance that is harmful to juveniles.
(b) The following are affirmative defenses to a charge under this section, that involves material or a performance that is harmful to juveniles but not obscene:
(1) The defendant is the parent, guardian or spouse of the juvenile involved.
(2) The juvenile involved, at the time of the conduct in question, was accompanied by his or her parent or guardian who, with knowledge of its character, consented to the material or performance being furnished or presented to the juvenile.
(3) The juvenile exhibited to the defendant or his or her agent or employee a draft card, driver's license, birth record, marriage license or other official or apparently official document purporting to show that such juvenile was eighteen years of age or over or married, and the person to whom such document was exhibited did not otherwise have reasonable cause to believe that such juvenile was under the age of eighteen and unmarried.
(c) It is an affirmative defense to a charge under this section, involving material or a performance that is obscene or harmful to juveniles, that such material or performance was furnished or presented for a bona fide medical, scientific, educational, governmental, judicial or other proper purpose, by a physician, psychologist, sociologist, scientist, teacher, librarian, clergyman, prosecutor, judge or other proper person.
(d) Except as provided in paragraph (b)(3) hereof, mistake of age is not a defense to a charge under this section.
(e) Whoever violates this section is guilty of disseminating matter harmful to juveniles, a misdemeanor of the first degree, provided the material or performance involved is harmful to juveniles, but not obscene.
(ORC 2907.31)
(a) No person who has custody, control or supervision of a commercial establishment, with knowledge of the character or content of the material involved, shall display at the establishment any material that is harmful to juveniles and that is open to view by juveniles as part of the invited general public.
(b) It is not a violation of subsection (a) hereof if the material in question is displayed by placing it behind “blinder racks” or similar devices that cover at least the lower two-thirds of the material, if the material in question is wrapped or placed behind the counter, or if the material in question otherwise is covered or located so that the portion that is harmful to juveniles is not open to the view of juveniles.
(c) Whoever violates this section is guilty of displaying matter harmful to juveniles, a misdemeanor of the first degree. A separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.
(ORC 2907.311)
(a) No person, with knowledge of the character of the material or performance involved, shall do any of the following:
(1) Create, reproduce or publish any obscene material, when the offender knows that such material is to be used for commercial exploitation or will be publicly disseminated or displayed, or when he or she is reckless in that regard;
(2) Promote or advertise for sale, delivery or dissemination, sell, deliver or publicly disseminate, publicly display, exhibit, present, rent or provide; or offer or agree to publicly display, exhibit, present, rent or provide, any obscene material;
(3) Create, direct or produce an obscene performance, when the offender knows that it is to be used for commercial exploitation or will be publicly presented, or when he or she is reckless in that regard;
(4) Advertise or promote an obscene performance for presentation, or present or participate in presenting an obscene performance, when such performance is presented publicly, or when admission is charged;
(5) Buy, procure, possess or control any obscene material with purpose to violate paragraph (2) or (4) hereof.
(b) It is an affirmative defense to a charge under this section that the material or performance involved was disseminated or presented for a bona fide medical, scientific, educational, religious, governmental, judicial or other proper purpose, by or to a physician, psychologist, sociologist, scientist, teacher, person pursuing bona fide studies or research, librarian, clergyman, prosecutor, judge or other person having a proper interest in such material or performance.
(c) Whoever violates this section is guilty of pandering obscenity, a misdemeanor of the first degree, provided the offender has not previously been convicted of a violation of this section or of Section 533.11.
(ORC 2907.32)