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   (a)   The Animal Control Officer shall hold the position as established by ordinance and shall be appointed by the Director of Public Safety. The Animal Control Officer shall not be on the classified list of the Division of Police, nor eligible for participation in the Police Pension Fund.
   (b)   It shall be the duty of the Animal Control Officer, and the Animal Control Officer shall have the authority, to enforce the provisions of the Codified Ordinances of the City and laws of the State, relative to the licensing, impounding, boarding and disposition of animals, livestock or poultry within the corporate limits; however, no police or other officer of this City, charged with the responsibility of enforcing the ordinances of this City and the laws of this State, shall be relieved of such responsibility.
   (c)   The Animal Control Officer shall be provided with a badge designating his office, and such other uniform, vehicles and equipment necessary to carry out his duties; however, any vehicles used for picking up and impounding animals, livestock or poultry shall be clearly marked on both sides with the following: "Animal Control".
   (d)   In the exercise of his duties, the Animal Control Officer is hereby authorized to issue, on a form provided by the City, a citation to any person found by him to be in violation of this chapter. (Ord. 44-04. Passed 6-21-2004.)