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   (a)   If the taxpayer fails to file a tax return which is required by this chapter within the time prescribed, but consents to disclose all information necessary to the preparation thereof, then the Administrator may prepare such return which, after being signed by such person, may be received by the Administrator as the return of such person.
   (b)   If any taxpayer fails to file a tax return which is required by this chapter within the time prescribed therefore, or makes willfully or otherwise, a false or fraudulent return, then the Administrator shall make in a reasonable manner such return from his own knowledge and from such information as he can obtain throughout testimony or otherwise.
   (c)   In any case where a taxpayer has failed to file a return or has filed a return which does not show the proper amount of tax due, the Administrator may determine the amount of tax appearing to be due this City from the taxpayer and shall send to such taxpayer a written statement showing the amount of tax so determined, together with interest and penalties thereon, if any. Such determination may be modified or amended based upon information or data subsequently secured by or made available to the Administrator. If the taxpayer fails to respond to the assessment within 30 days, the tax, penalties, and interest assessed shall become due and payable and collectible as are other unpaid taxes, penalty, and interest.
   (d)   Neither the Tax Administrator's execution of a return nor the Tax Administrator's assessment of a taxpayer shall start the running of the period of limitations on prosecutions set forth elsewhere in this chapter.
(Ord. 71-10. Passed 11-1-10.)