(a) The president and vice president shall each serve a term of two years. The president or vice president may be removed from his or her office by a two-thirds vote of all councilmembers.
The president of council shall preside at all meetings of council and perform the duties imposed by this charter and by the rules of council. The president shall have the same right to vote on all matters presented to council as any other member of council.
(b) In the event of a vacancy in the office, or the temporary absence or disability of the president of council, the vice president shall serve as acting president of council. The acting president shall exercise the powers and perform the duties of the president of council until the vacancy in the office of president of council is filled by council or until the temporary absence or disability of the president of council ends.
Council shall choose a clerk of council and other staff employees it determines to be necessary. The clerk of council shall keep the records of council and perform other duties as required by this charter or by council. The clerk and other staff employees shall serve at the pleasure of council.
(a) Each proposed ordinance or resolution shall be in writing and shall not contain more than one subject, which shall be clearly stated in the title. General appropriation ordinances may contain the various subjects and accounts for which moneys are appropriated. The vote on the passage of each ordinance or resolution shall be officially recorded and the official record shall be publicly available.
(b) No resolution of a permanent character or ordinance shall come to a vote until it has been read, by title, on three separate days. The requirement of reading on three separate days may be dispensed with by a two-thirds vote of all councilmembers. A majority of councilmembers present may require that an ordinance be read in full rather than by title.
No ordinance, resolution or section of an ordinance or resolution shall be revised or amended unless the new ordinance or resolution contains the entire ordinance or resolution or section to be revised or amended, and the ordinance, resolution or section revised or amended is repealed.
(c) No ordinance or resolution shall under any circumstances be adopted or passed unless it has been read on three separate days, which (1) changes the amount of salary or compensation for any elected officer of the city; (2) amends any zoning ordinance; (3) grants, renews or extends a franchise or other special privilege; or (4) regulates the rate to be charged by a public utility for its services.
(d) The enacting clause of all ordinances passed by council shall be "Be it ordained by the city of Lakewood." The enacting clause of all ordinances submitted by initiative shall be "Be it ordained by the people of the city of Lakewood."
(a) Any ordinance or resolution passed by council shall be signed by the presiding officer and presented to the mayor by the clerk of council. If the mayor approves the ordinance or resolution, the mayor shall sign it within 10 days after its passage or adoption.
(b) If the mayor does not approve an ordinance or resolution, the mayor shall return it to council with a statement of his or her objections to the measure within 10 days, or if council is not then in session, at the next regular meeting of council, which objections council shall enter into its minutes. The mayor may approve or disapprove the whole or any item or part of any ordinance or resolution appropriating money, but otherwise the approval or disapproval shall be addressed to the entire ordinance or resolution. Not later than at the next regular meeting, council shall reconsider the legislation and, if upon reconsideration the legislation or the part of the legislation disapproved by the mayor is approved by a vote of two thirds of all members of council, it shall then take effect as if it had received the signature of the mayor.
(c) If the mayor does not sign or disapprove an ordinance or resolution within 10 days after its passage, it shall take effect in the same manner as if the mayor had signed it on the 10th day.
(a) All ordinances and resolutions upon their final passage or adoption shall be recorded in an official record kept for that purpose and shall be authenticated by the signatures of the presiding officer and the clerk of council.
(b) Ordinances of a general and permanent nature shall, after their effective date, be incorporated into the codified ordinances of the city. Council shall prescribe how the codified ordinances are to be organized and maintained. The codified ordinances shall be published and available for public inspection at all reasonable times.
Council may prescribe the manner of giving public notice of the enactment of any and all ordinances, resolutions or other acts, procedures, statements, including financial statements, or reports required by law to be published. Publication shall include posting on the official city website.
(a) Council may provide for legislation to take immediate effect by stating the necessity for its immediacy in a separate section of the legislation and passing the legislation by a two-thirds vote of all councilmembers. An ordinance or resolution passed in this manner shall become effective upon approval by the mayor, or upon the expiration of the time within which it may be disapproved by the mayor, or upon its passage or approval notwithstanding the disapproval by the mayor, as the case may be, as provided in Section 2.9, or at a time fixed in the legislation sooner
than the period of time specified in Section 2.12(b).
(b) No other ordinance or resolution shall become effective until 40 days after its passage or adoption and approval by the mayor, the expiration of the time within which it may be disapproved by the mayor, or its passage or adoption notwithstanding the disapproval by the mayor, as the case may be, as provided in Section 2.9.