(A) Cause for Suspension or Revocation
(1) The Owner, applicant, or occupant fails to operate or maintain the real property used as rental property consistent with state and local laws, including but not limited to the City code.
(2) The Owner or applicant obtained the license by misrepresentation of the facts, fraud, deceit, or bad faith.
(3) The Owner, applicant, or occupant fails to comply with any condition set forth in any permits or variances granted by the City.
(4) The Owner, applicant, or occupant creates or allows activities that pose a serious danger to public health, safety, or welfare by violating of Minnesota Statute § 504B.171.
(B) Residential Rental- Long Term.
The procedure used to suspend or revoke a Residential Rental - Long Term license is listed in section 110 of this code.
(C) Residential Rental- Short Term.
Upon the presence of provisions 114.06. (A) (2)-(4) or two occasions of violations of federal, state, or local law, including this ordinance, within the license period, the City may revoke the Residential Rental - Short Term license. Prior to such revocation, the City Administrator/Clerk shall mail written notice of the license violations to the licensee. The licensee shall have ten (10) Days to request, in writing to the City Administrator/Clerk, a hearing before the City Council upon such revocation. Failure to request such a hearing, in writing, shall constitute waiver of the right to be heard on the revocation. Upon City Council discretion, a license may be immediately revoked in the event of violation of the terms of this Section.
Revocation of a license under this Section shall render licensee ineligible for applying for a new Residential Rental - Short Term license for a period of 9 months from the date of revocation or the next annual renewal cycle, whichever is later absent adoption by the City Council of different consequences and/or conditions established at a hearing before the City Council as requested above. Such prohibition shall apply not only to the property for which the license was revoked, but also any other property held or owned by the licensee.