§ 92.11 NUISANCES.
   (A)   No Person shall allow a Dog or Cat to run At Large at any time.
   (B)   It shall be the duty of the animal control authority or any of his/her duly authorized assistants, or any peace officer, or any Person duly authorized in writing by the animal control authority, to capture, seize and deliver to the city's animal control center, or to    any suitable place to be approved by the animal control authority, any animal found running At Large within the city contrary to the provisions of this chapter and any Dog    found within the city not wearing the metal tag provided for in this chapter in violation of the provisions of this chapter.
   (C)      All animals conveyed to the animal control center shall be kept, with kind treatment and    sufficient food and water for their comfort, at least five (5) days after the impounding thereof, unless sooner reclaimed by their Owners as herein provided. Animals seized under this subdivision may be released from the animal control center upon payment by such Owner of the sums required by the animal control center and animal control authority for impounding, boarding and veterinary care. Said payments shall be made to the animal control authority, in return for which the Owner shall receive from the animal control center a receipt showing that the fees have been paid.
   (D)   If the Owner of the animal seized or impounded under the provisions of this chapter does not resume possession of said animal by compliance with the foregoing provisions within five (5) days after the seizure or impounding thereof, said Owner shall forfeit all    right of property in such animal.