To: (Name and address of person who is alleged to have violated the code)
From: (Name and title of city official giving the notice)
Re: Alleged violation of Section of the City Code, relating to (give title of section)
Date: (Date of notice)
I hereby allege that on (date of violation) you violated § _____________ of the City Code relating to _________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
The City Council has by resolution established an administrative penalty in the amount of $                  for this violation.
Payment of this administrative penalty is voluntary, but if you do not pay it the city may initiate criminal proceedings for this alleged violation.
Payment is due within 14 days of the date of this notice. Before the due date, you may request an additional 14-day extension of the time to pay the administrative penalty.
As an alternative to the payment of this administrative penalty, if the situation that gave rise to this alleged violation is corrected by ___________________________________________ (establish date), then the payment of the administrative penalty will be waived.
Even if the administrative penalty is paid, the city reserves the right to institute appropriate proceedings at law or at equity to restrain, correct or abate the violation.
Before the due date, you may request to appear before the City Council to contest the request for payment of the penalty. After a hearing before the Council, the Council may determine to withdraw the request for payment or to renew the request for payment. Because the payment of the administrative penalty is voluntary, there shall be no appeal from the decision of the Council.
If you pay the administrative penalty, the city will not initiate criminal proceedings for this alleged violation. However, the Council, or any city official designated by it, may institute appropriate proceedings at law or at equity to restrain, correct or abate the violation.
Payment of the administrative penalty may be made by check, cash, or money order to the City of Lake St. Croix Beach.
(Name and Title of Person Giving Notice)