   (A)   There shall be no parking from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., Monday through Friday, of each and every week on the north side of East Lakeside Avenue from its intersection with Dixie Highway to the stop sign located midway along the street. The Lakeside Park/Crestview Hills police authority is authorized to post signs indicating the above-restricted parking.
(Ord. 08-1988, passed 10-10-88)
   (B)   It shall be unlawful to park any commercial vehicles (as defined in KRS 186.010), boats, or trailers on the street in residential sections of the city between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. except for loading or unloading. Each day the violation is committed or permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense.
(Ord. 07-1996, passed 9-13-76; Am. Ord. 09-1996, passed 11-11-96; Am. Ord. 11-1996, passed 11-11-96)
Cross reference:
   Penalty, see § 40.999
   (A)   The city-owned parking lot adjoining the City Building located at 9 Buttermilk Pike shall be available for city business and/or city-sponsored events only, and shall not be available for general public parking at any time, unless attending a city-sponsored event or conducting business with or on behalf of the city unless pursuant to a prior permit issued by the Mayor. Violators may be subject to a fine and/or impoundment of vehicle at the owner’s expense.
   (B)   Signage shall be posted at the parking lot indicating “Parking for City Business Only. All Others May Be Towed at Owner’s Expense”.
(Ord. 03-2021, passed 6-14-21)
§ 40.999 PENALTY
   (A)   Whoever violates any of the provisions of this chapter where another penalty is not specifically provided shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a violation and, shall be fined twenty-five dollars ($25.00) and shall be required to pay the cost of court.
   (B)   Whoever violates the provisions of §§ 40.201, 40.202, 40.203, 40.250, and 40.252 shall be guilty of a violation, and, upon conviction, shall be fined twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
   (C)   Any person receiving a citation for any violation of a weather emergency traffic provision in the city shall be guilty of a violation and shall be fined twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each such violation and will be responsible to pay any and all costs incurred by the city to have the particular violation promptly removed.
   (D)   Whoever violates § 40.251 shall be guilty of a violation, and, upon conviction, shall be fined seventy-five dollars ($75.00).
   (E)   (1)   The Lakeside Park-Crestview Hills Police Authority members shall have the obligation, duty, and authority to seize and tow any motor vehicle which one of its members may observe in a public place, which has three (3) or more outstanding citations or violations issued against it, which have been issued by members of the Police Authority.
      (2)   Upon payment of the delinquent and outstanding citations and violations together with the towing and storage charges, the vehicle will be released to the owner. If the seized vehicle remains in storage for a period of thirty (30) days or longer and the outstanding citations are unpaid, the legal owner and others known to possess an interest in the motor vehicle shall be notified of the public auction of the vehicle, and the vehicle shall be sold to satisfy the outstanding charges and costs against it and the balance, if any, paid to the legal owner.
   (F)   Whoever violates § 40.253, in addition to the fine set forth in division (B) of this section, shall be subject to having the motor vehicle in violation subject to tow, the costs of which shall be the debt of the owner/operator.
(Ord. 06-1969, passed 6-9-69; Am. Ord. 07-1969, passed 6-26-69; Am. Ord. 07-1976, passed 9-13-76; Am. Ord. --, passed 2-13-84; Am. Ord. 03-1984, passed 3-12-84; Am. Ord. 08-1988, passed 10-10-88; Am. Ord. 07-1992, passed 6-16-92; Am. Ord. 04-1995, passed 9-11-95; Am. Ord. 09-1996, passed 11- 11-96; Am. Ord. 11-1996, passed 11-11-96; Am. Ord. 04-1999, passed 4-12-99; Am. Ord. 2-2015, passed 5-11-15; Am. Ord. 03-2021, passed 6-14-21)