Municipal Records
30.001 Definition of “municipal records”
30.002 Additional definitions
30.003 Municipal records declared public property
30.004 Policy
30.005 Designation of Records Management Officer
30.006 Records management plan to be developed; approval of plan; authority of plan
30.007 Duties of Records Management Officer
30.008 Duties and responsibilities of department heads
30.009 Records control schedules to be developed; approval; filing with state
30.010 Implementation of records control schedules; destruction of records under schedule
30.011 Destruction of unscheduled records
Ambulance Services
30.025 Statutory authority
30.026 General purposes and intent
30.027 Definitions
30.028 Emergency Physicians Advisory Board (EPAB)
30.029 Metropolitan Area EMS Authority
30.030 First Responder Advisory Board
30.031 Violations
30.032 Traffic laws; exemption
30.033 Adoption
Public Smoking
30.045 Definitions
30.046 Prohibitions
30.047 Restaurants
30.048 Owner/occupier designation of nonsmoking facility
30.049 Posting of notice and owner’s, operator’s, and employees’ responsibilities
30.050 Unlawful acts
30.051 Publication
30.052 Effective date
Emergency Management
30.065 Organization
30.066 Emergency Management Director; powers and duties
30.067 Emergency management plan
30.068 Interjurisdictional program
30.069 Override
30.070 Liability
30.071 Commitment of funds
30.072 Violations
30.073 Conflicts
General Policies
30.085 Official municipal newspaper
30.086 Claims against the town; notice required
30.087 Town fiscal year
30.088 Election of town officials by plurality
30.089 Adoption of state laws regarding cities and towns
Identity Theft Prevention Program
30.100 Program adoption
30.101 Purpose and definitions
30.102 Identification of red flags
30.103 Detecting red flags
30.104 Preventing and mitigating identity theft
30.105 Program updates
30.106 Program administration
30.999 Penalty