For each response by the Police Department or Fire Department to an alarm, the Department will cause a report to be filed, classifying the alarm as one of the following.
(A) False alarm or system test with no notification.
(B) Valid alarm for cause designated.
(Ord. 219, passed 4-18-85; Am. Ord. 659, passed 9-19-93; Am. Ord. 1051, passed 3-21-02)
Upon the reception of a third false alarm within six months, the Police Department or Fire Department shall issue a warning notice to the owner or lessee or management of the premises involved. The owner or lessee or manager shall file a written report with the Police Department or Fire Department within five working days indicating any and all measures taken to reduce false alarms.
(Ord. 219, passed 4-18-85; Am. Ord. 659, passed 9-19-93; Am. Ord. 1051, passed 3-21-02) Penalty, see § 10.99
There shall be a service fee charged by the city for false alarms according to the following schedule.
First response (none in the last 6 months), No fee
Second response (within six months), No fee
Third response (within six months), warning, No fee
Fourth response and over (within six months), $50 fee, per response
(Ord. 219, passed 4-18-85; Am. Ord. 659, passed 9-19-93; Am. Ord. 1051, passed 3-21-02)
If, within 30 days from the occurrence of a false alarm the owner or lessee of the premises at which the alarm is installed can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Police Chief or Fire Chief that the alarm system in question has actually been examined by a repair service and repaired, if the malfunction was the cause of the false alarm, or certified to be in good working order, then providing the false alarm was not caused by human error, or was the result of an act of God, the false alarm shall not be considered a false alarm for the purpose of the assessment of a service fee.
(Ord. 219, passed 4-18-85; Am. Ord. 659, passed 9-19-93; Am. Ord. 1051, passed 3-21-02)
(A) Upon failure of an owner or lessee or manager of a premises to pay any fee specified in this chapter within 30 days, the Chief of Police or Fire Chief shall be authorized to disconnect or order the disconnection of the alarm system from the Police and Fire Department. It shall be unlawful to reconnect to or fail to disconnect the alarm system from the Police or Fire Department unless and until appropriate corrective action has been taken and the connection of an alarm system is authorized by the Chief of Police or Fire Chief.
(B) Prior to any disconnection of any alarm system from the Police or Fire Department, the owners or lessees of the system shall be notified of intent to disconnect by personal service of the notice or by delivery of a certified mail copy of the notice. Disconnection by the city shall not occur any sooner than seven days following service of the notice.
(C) No disconnection or deactivation shall be ordered or made as to any premises required by law to have an alarm system in operation.
(D) The owner, lessee, or manager shall be responsible for all costs incurred in collecting the service fee including attorneys' fees.
(E) All fines and fees imposed under this chapter which remain unpaid for a period of 30 days following imposition thereof may result in the recording of an order imposing the fine in the public records and thereafter shall constitute a lien against the land on which the violation exists.
(F) Failure of the owner to correct malfunctions or pay such service fees as applicable will result in the Police or Fire Departments not being required to respond to the alarm location.
(Ord. 219, passed 4-18-85; Am. Ord. 659, passed 9-19-93; Am. Ord. 1051, passed 3-21-02) Penalty, see § 10.99
(G) The Fire Official or his/her designee shall have the authority to prohibit occupancy of any commercial or multi-family residential structure for which disconnection of the required fire alarm or sprinkler system has occurred or has been ordered. Such prohibition shall be by certified letter or hand delivered to the owner or manager of the building. Occupancy of such building shall be prohibited until the Fire Official or his/her designee determines that appropriate corrective action has been taken.
(Ord. 919, passed 3-18-99; Am. Ord. 1051, passed 3-21-02)