(A)   In addition to the application requirements for tentative plat approval, the following materials must be included in a complete application for final plat approval:
      (1)   Completed final plat of subdivision application checklist;
      (2)   Completed application for final plat of subdivision approval as supplied by the city. If any information pertaining to variances or the disclosure of interests statement has changed since submittal of the tentative plat application, re-submittal of all application forms with changes highlighted is required;
      (3)   Application fee as established on the current fee schedule;
      (4)   Statement of intent describing any changes to the proposed development since and in response to tentative plat approval and providing evidence that all conditions of tentative plat approval are satisfied;
      (5)   The final plat of subdivision, which shall be in compliance with the requirements of 765 ILCS 205 (Plat Act) and consistent with the approved tentative plat of subdivision, except that the final plat shall reflect changes in response to the conditions of tentative plat approval and shall provide additional details, not limited to, but including the following:
         (a)   Identification of all lands and road rights-of-way to be dedicated to the city for public use and all lands to be authorized for city use or public use through easements;
         (b)   Street names as approved by the city and United States Post Office;
         (c)   All necessary dimensions both linear and angular. Linear dimensions shall be shown in feet and decimal parts of a foot. Complete curve data shall be shown for all curves forming street or property line boundaries;
         (d)   All certificates and seals of approval and acceptance shall appear along with notarized signatures of the property owner and the project engineer;
         (e)   All certificates and seals of approval and acceptance shall appear with space for signatures and notary seals of the Mayor of the city, the Plan Commission Chairperson, the City Marshal and the Clerk of Lake County; and
         (f)   All standard plat notes shall be reflected along with any notes required as a condition of tentative plat approval.
      (6)   Final engineering plans and specifications detailing all proposed public and private improvements as determined to be necessary by the City Engineer, including, but not limited to, sanitary and storm sewers, detention ponds and swales, water distribution systems, utility installations, roads and streetlights;
      (7)   Engineer’s cost estimates of all improvements;
      (8)   All approvals and permits from outside agencies as required by the City Engineer;
      (9)   A final tree and vegetation removal/ preservation plan detailing all existing trees and vegetation, indicating which materials will be protected and preserved and identifying which materials will be removed consistent with the requirements of Chapter 99 of the city code. For trees and vegetation intended for preservation, a protection plan, prepared by a certified arborist, indicating measures that will be taken prior to, during and after construction to achieve preservation is also required;
      (10)   A final landscape plan, based upon the final grading and drainage plan, identifying the type of trees and other vegetation (using common names), the number, the size at time of planting and the estimated size at maturity. The plan should include, but not be limited to, landscaping for entrances to the development, streetscapes, detention ponds, wetlands, landscape buffers, perimeter plantings, all other common areas and a typical landscape plan for each distinct type of individual lot; and
      (11)   Any other plans or documents determined to be necessary by the Director of Community Development or City Engineer to permit a complete and thorough review of the proposed final plat to determine compliance with the conditions of tentative plat approvals, this chapter and other applicable regulations.
   (B)   Upon the determination that any of the requirements of division (A)(6) through (A)(11) above is not applicable to the specific request, the Director of Community Development or City Engineer may waive such requirement.
(Prior Code, § 38-18) (Ord. 1252, passed 10-5-1981; Ord. 93-40, passed 7-6-1993; Ord. 2010-48, passed 11-1-2010; Ord. 2016-61, passed 11-7-2016)