(A)   The following materials must be included in a complete application for tentative plat approval:
      (1)   Completed tentative plat of subdivision application checklist;
      (2)   (a)   Completed application form as supplied by the city, including any applicable application for a special use permit or variances and the disclosure of interests statement on the form provided by the city as part of the application.
         (b)   In addition, the completed application must conform to the following requirements:
            1.   If the applicant is a corporation, the application must be accompanied by a resolution of the corporation authorizing the execution and submittal of the application. In addition, the application shall indicate on its face the names of all directors and officers of the corporation and also the names of all shareholders who own individually or beneficially 5% or more of the outstanding stock of the corporation;
            2.   If the applicant is a general partnership, the application shall contain a list of all general partners who have a 5% or greater individual or beneficial interest in the partnership;
            3.   If the applicant is a limited partnership, the application shall contain the following information: a list of all the names of general partners and the names of all limited partners having 5% or greater individual or beneficial interest in the partnership;
            4.   If the applicant is an LLC, the application shall contain the names of all managing partners and all limited partners having a 5% or greater individual or beneficial interest in the LLC; and
            5.   If the applicant is a land trust or any other trust, the application shall contain the names and addresses of all beneficiaries of the trust together with their respective interests in the trusts. The application shall be further verified by the applicant in the capacity of trustee or by the beneficiary as a beneficial owner of an interest in the trust. The application shall be signed individually by as many beneficiaries as are necessary to constitute greater than 50% ownership of the beneficial interest of the trust.
      (3)   Application fee as established on the current fee schedule;
      (4)   Statement of intent describing the history of the parcel, the site, the surrounding area, unique features of the property, the design rationale for the subdivision, any special studies conducted and any other information deemed by the petitioner to be relevant to the consideration of the subdivision request;
      (5)   A current legal description of the property proposed for subdivision submitted in digital format, ready for publication;
      (6)   (a)   A tentative plat of subdivision drawn at a scale determined to be acceptable to the city, generally 100 feet to one inch or in the case of small tracts, 50 feet to one inch; and
         (b)   The tentative plat should illustrate, at a minimum, the following:
            1.   All boundaries of the property proposed to be subdivided, section and fractional section lines, existing permanent buildings, watercourses, wetlands, woodlands, floodplains, flood ways, bluffs, ravines and all other existing features pertinent to proper subdivisions;
            2.   All corporate boundary lines within or adjacent to the proposed subdivision;
            3.   Compliance with the applicable zoning district and all applicable provisions of the city zoning ordinance of 1923, as amended;
            4.   Width and names of all existing and proposed roads, streets, avenues and alleys within 100 feet of the limits of the property;
            5.   All proposed property lines, building area lines and accurate dimensions;
            6.   Adjoining properties and, if subdivided, the name of the subdivision;
            7.   The name of the proposed subdivision and the name and address of the owner, trustee or sponsor, and any architect, engineer, land planner or surveyor participating in the preparation of the plat and related information;
            8.   All existing and proposed easements;
            9.   The date of preparation and each revision date thereafter; and
            10.   A north arrow.
      (7)   Existing and proposed easement agreements;
      (8)   Preliminary engineering plans including, but not limited to, existing site conditions, overall layout, existing and proposed locations of public and private utilities, grading and drainage plans and corresponding calculations to demonstrate compliance with the Lake County Watershed Development Ordinance, as adopted by reference in § 152.30;
      (9)   Wetland delineations and jurisdictional determination, base flood elevation per the Lake County Watershed Development Ordinance, as adopted by reference in § 152.30, and approvals from outside agencies as appropriate;
      (10)   A traffic study, for developments over five lots and for smaller developments as determined to be necessary by the City Engineer due to potential traffic impacts;
      (11)   Tree survey indicating the location, size, species and condition of all existing trees eight-inch DBH or larger and all trees in clusters of six or more trees of at least four-inch DBH in accordance with § 99.068 of this city code;
      (12)   Steep slope analysis and restoration plans for development parcels which include non-table land, ravines or bluffs;
      (13)   Preliminary landscape plan including as appropriate, but not limited to, a tree removal plan, plantings in all common areas including around detention ponds, street tree plantings, wetland restoration and a typical landscape plan(s) for individual lots. The landscape plan shall be drawn on the preliminary drainage and grading plan to allow identification of any potential conflicts;
      (14)   A pro forma demonstrating that there is sufficient financial capacity to complete all phases of the project. The pro forma shall include, but not be limited to, information regarding the availability and structure of proposed financing and a timeline for starting and completing the project, or each phase of the project if applicable. The pro forma must include any requests for waiver or deferral of development fees if applicable, or any requests for other special assistance;
      (15)   For subdivisions proposed with more than five buildable lots, an impact study comparing the current and future cost of providing city services to the proposed development and the current and future revenues expected to be generated by the development in a form acceptable to the city; and
      (16)   Any other plans or documents determined to be necessary by the Director of Community Development or City Engineer to allow a complete and thorough review of the proposed tentative plat and to determine compliance with this chapter and other applicable regulations.
   (B)   Upon the determination that any of the requirements of divisions (A)(6) through (A)(16) above is not applicable to the specific request, the Director of Community Development or City Engineer may waive such requirement.
(Prior Code, § 38-15) (Ord. 2010-17, passed 5-3-2010; Ord. 2010-48, passed 11-1-2010; Ord. 2016-61, passed 11-7-2016)