(A) General. All proposed soil based onsite wastewater treatment systems shall be designed based on soil characteristics of the soil as identified by a Lake County licensed Soil Classifier/Soil Scientist. It is not permissible to deposit fill on a site in an effort to achieve the minimum requirements of §§ 171.085 through 171.089.
(B) Soil evaluations by the Health Officer. Soil evaluations conducted by the Health Officer shall be conducted by appointment and shall be completed by the Health Officer within 15 days of the receipt of the request and when the conditions of this section are met. The applicant requesting the soil evaluation shall provide as follows:
(1) Proposed site. The proposed site shall be reasonably cleared of brush, weeds, and tall grass. The applicant shall assure that no one drives equipment on sites that are wet enough to become compacted and/or create ruts in the soil.
(2) Lot corners. The lot corners shall be marked on individually platted lots, or permanent reference points established for proposed subdivisions.
(3) Soil pits. Soil observation pits shall be excavated to a minimum of 24 inches in width, and shall be 60 inches deep.
(a) Soil cores. The Health Officer may accept soil cores as meeting the requirement of this section.
(C) Minimum number of observation points. Soil observation points can be soil pits or soil cores as specified in this section.
(1) Individual sites. On individual sites, a minimum of four observation points is required with at least one point located in an area lower in elevation than the proposed primary and reserve soil treatment area.
(2) Proposed subdivisions. A minimum of one observation point shall be required at each intersection of the lines of a 200-foot grid established on the parcel(s). Observation points between the grid points may be required to accurately establish boundaries between soil mapping units. Additionally, at least one observation point shall be located on each proposed lot.
(a) Smaller parcels. On parcels too small to lay out a 200-foot grid, a smaller grid, as approved by the Health Officer, or individual site soil evaluation described in subsection (C)(1) above be used to identify primary and reserve soil treatment areas.
(3) Additional observation points. As determined by the Health Officer, additional observation points may be necessary for accurate and appropriate evaluation of an individual site or parcel when there is concern about the consistency and landscape association of the soils.
(Ord. [Bd of Health Ord., Art. V], passed 11-12-1996; Ord. [Bd of Health Ord., Art. V], passed 11-12-2013)