(A)   General. Approval of a site plan for the construction of a New Onsite Wastewater Treatment System, shall be granted when the requirements of this section are met.
      (1)   Soil evaluation report. A soil evaluation report issued in accordance with the requirements of §§ 171.085 through 171.089 determines the soil to be suitable for the projected flow and assigned loading rates in the proposed soil treatment areas.
      (2)   Plans and other information. A site plan and other required information prepared in accordance with the requirements of §§ 171.100 through 171.111 and 171.125 through 171.128 are submitted.
      (3)   Primary soil treatment area. The primary soil treatment area of the proposed onsite wastewater treatment system, of the type specified by the soil evaluation, is designed in an adequately sized area of suitable soils for the proposed flow, the assigned loading rates and required separation distance between the wastewater application point and the limiting layer.
      (4)   Reserve soil treatment area. A reserve soil treatment area exists in suitable soil, as specified in subsection (A)(3) above and can be sized as follows:
         (a)   Equal to the primary soil treatment area when calculated as square footage for systems other than Types 3, 4 and 5.
         (b)   At least equal to 50% of the primary soil treatment basal area for Type 3, 4 and 5 systems when contiguous to the entire length of the downslope of the primary soil treatment area.
      (5)   Primary and reserve soil treatment area. As an alternative to meeting the requirements of subsections (A)(3) and (A)(4) above, the system type as specified by the soil evaluation may be designed in an area of suitable soils for the proposed flow, at the assigned loading rates and required separation distance between the wastewater application point and the limiting layer, reserve soil treatment area may exist in a suitable soil area, the site plan may indicate the installation of 150% of the primary soil treatment area, to be installed as two approximately equal soil treatment areas with a manual or automatic alternating device.
      (6)   Land slope. The land slope of the primary and reserved soil treatment areas does not exceed 25%.
      (7)   Floodplain elevation.
         (a)   The wastewater application point of Type 3, 4 or 5 systems, or Illinois raised filter bed systems, shall not be located below the base flood elevation.
         (b)   The existing grade over Type 1, 2 and drip distribution systems shall not be located below the base flood elevation.
      (8)   Setback requirements. All components of the primary soil treatment area and the reserve soil treatment areas comply with the setback distances established by Appendix D.
(Ord. [Bd of Health Ord., Art. V], passed 11-12-1996; Ord. [Bd of Health Ord., Art. V], passed 11-12-2013)