11-3-2: FINAL PLAT:
A.   Compliance With Tentative Plat: When a tentative plat has received tentative approval by the village board, the subdivider may cause to be prepared a final plat of subdivision. The final plat shall be in strict accordance with the approved tentative plat.
B.   Time Limit For Final Application: Application for final approval of a plat shall be made not later than one year after preliminary approval has been granted.
C.   Submission; Specifications And Required Information: The final plat shall be submitted to the village board of trustees, village of Lake Bluff - attention: village administrator. The final plat shall be submitted on tracing cloth, along with eleven (11) blueprints, as well as eleven (11) copies of supporting documents. The final plat must be accompanied by three (3) complete sets of plans and specifications providing for all proposed and required public improvements to be made to the subdivision and other related accompanying material as required by this title, the village board, plan commission and any other board, commission or governmental agency having jurisdiction. For convenience, the following guidelines are provided:
1.   Final plat content requirements and checklist: See section 11-5-5 of this title.
2.   Subdivision design standards: See section 11-5-3 of this title.
3.   Public improvements: See section 11-5-4 of this title.
4.   Subdivider dedications and donations: See chapter 4 of this title.
5.   Final plat sketch: See section 11-5-6 of this title.
D.   Review By Village Officials:
1.   The village administrator, upon receipt, shall immediately refer prints of the final plat with supporting documents, eight (8) each to the plan commission, one set each to the village attorney and village engineer, and one set shall be maintained on file at village hall.
2.   The village engineer shall carefully examine said plat for conformity with the tentative plat, village standards and specifications and good engineering practices, to include review and recommendations as concerns changes to the final plat, the subdivider engineer's estimate of public improvement costs, as well as plans and specifications, as deemed appropriate.
3.   The village attorney shall review the final plat and accompanying material for conformance with village ordinances and to ensure all legal requirements are met. Both the village engineer and village attorney shall submit their recommendations and comments to the plan commission within twenty one (21) days.
E.   Plan Commission Meeting:
1.   Upon receipt of the final plat and accompanying material by the plan commission, the chairman shall, within thirty (30) days, call a meeting of said plan commission.
2.   The plan commission shall review the final plat for conformity with village ordinances and the approved tentative plat and requirements stipulated by the village board. The plan commission shall give consideration to the comments and recommendations of the village engineer and village attorney concerning the final plat and accompanying material. The commission may confer with the subdivider on changes deemed advisable.
3.   The plan commission may approve variations from these requirements in specific cases which do not affect the general plan, or the spirit of this title. All such variations shall be communicated to the village board, with the reasons therefor, before final approval consideration of the plat by the village board.
F.   Changes; Approval Or Disapproval:
1.   The subdivider may make such changes to the final plat as are specified or required by the plan commission.
2.   If the plan commission has approved the final plat, the following certificate shall be stamped or lettered upon said plat and signed by the chairman of the plan commission:
Approved by the Plan Commission of the Village of Lake Bluff, Lake County, Illinois this                    day of                   , A.D. 20        .
   Chairman, Plan Commission
3.   Upon completion of the above certificate, the plan commission shall transmit the final plat, a copy of the checklist and accompanying material to the village board, conveying to said board such information concerning said plat as deemed essential. The plan commission shall call to the attention of the village board all variances (if any) recommended by the commission, giving their reasons for recommending same.
4.   If the final plat is disapproved by the plan commission, the plan commission shall forward said plat, a copy of the checklist and all related materials to the village board along with their recommendation for disapproval, citing therein reason(s) for said disapproval.
G.   Village Board Action:
1.   Upon receipt of the final plat and accompanying material from the plan commission, the village board shall review plan commission recommendations and consider final approval of said plat and related documents. If said final plat is found to conform to all requirements or unsatisfied requirements are waived, the village board shall approve said final plat and authorize and direct the president and village clerk to sign the following certificate of approval:
Approved and accepted by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Lake Bluff, Lake County, Illinois this                    day of                   , A.D. 20        .
   Village President
Village Clerk
2.   If the village board disapproves the final plat, said board shall cause the subdivider to be notified of such disapproval. (Ord., 4-11-1978)