Village Of Lake Bluff
   Public Improvements
1.   Responsibility: The subdivider or owner shall at his own expense install and construct all improvements required by this title, except those specifically installed at the expense of North Shore Gas, Commonwealth Edison or Illinois Bell Telephone. All requested improvements shall be installed and constructed in accordance with specifications approved or published by the village.
2.   Specifications: Public improvements shall meet or exceed the village design standards and specifications. The subdivider shall submit three (3) copies of detailed plans and specifications for the proposed improvements to the village for approval. Plans shall be signed and sealed by a professional engineer registered in the state of Illinois.
A.   Street And Alley Grades: Subdividers shall recommend the grades at which dedicated streets and alleys within the platted area shall be installed. Such grades are subject to review by the village engineer and final approval of the village board. All streets shall be graded to the full width of the right of way, and the adjacent side slopes shall be graded to blend with the natural ground level. The maximum grade shall not exceed six (6) percent for thoroughfares, or eight (8) percent for local streets. All changes in grades on major roads or highways shall be connected by vertical curves of minimum length of two hundred (200) feet, if deemed necessary and recommended by the village engineer; for minor streets, all changes in grade shall be connected by vertical curves of minimum length of one hundred fifty (150) feet visibility, especially at intersections; sight distance shall be resolved in detail with the village engineer.
B.   Street Widths: Streets shall have a width and cross section as shown in figures 1 through 5, for the type of street involved. See enclosure 1 to this appendix.
C.   Curb And Gutter: Curb and gutter shall be installed on all roadways being dedicated for public use.
      (1) Combination Portland concrete curb and gutter shall be installed and shall meet the current Illinois department of transportation standard specifications for road and bridge construction.
         (a)   Residential streets shall be provided with the Lake Bluff standard combination curb and gutter. See enclosure 2 to this appendix.
         (b)   Commercial streets, industrial streets, and thoroughfares shall be provided with the Illinois division of highways standard barrier type curb and gutter B 6.12. See enclosure 3 to this appendix.
         (c)   Expansion Joints: Expansion joints shall be 3/4" preformed type 1 cork ASTM spec. D-544 and shall be installed at one hundred (100) foot intervals and at points of curvature and tangency on all curves.
         (d)   Contraction Joints: Contraction joints shall be saw cut at twenty five (25) foot intervals.
D.   Street Surfacing: All roadways being dedicated for public use shall be surfaced from curb to curb. Surfacing shall be bituminous concrete or Portland cement concrete.
      (1) Design:
         (a)   All pavements shall be designed in accordance with the state of Illinois manuals on the structural design of bituminous pavements or Portland cement concrete pavements.
         (b)   Permissible pavement construction within the village is as follows:
            1.   Bituminous aggregate mix with bituminous concrete surface class I.
            2.   Portland cement concrete pavement with pavement fabric, and with 3/4" preformed cork expansion joints, at intervals of not more than one hundred (100) feet, as well as all points of curvature.
         (c)   Design thickness computations shall be provided to the village engineer for concurrence of design, but shall not be less than seven (7) inches.
         (d)   Pavements shall be constructed parallel to and centered within the dedicated right of way.
         (e)   Cross slope of the pavement shall be a minimum of 0.02 feet per foot.
         (f)   The maximum pavement grade shall be 8%. The minimum pavement grade shall be 0.4%.
         (g)   The length of vertical curves shall be in accordance with state of Illinois highway standards based on the desirable sight distances for the design speed. Lengths shall be based on a stopping sight distance of two hundred feet (200') (k = 0.30) with a minimum length vertical curve of one hundred fifty (150) feet.
         (h)   Radii for horizontal curves shall be in accordance with the state of Illinois highway standards based on the design speed for the roadway. Minimum radius of curvature shall be one hundred (100) feet.
         (i)   Return radii at intersections shall not be less than thirty (30) feet as measured at the back of curb; except in industrial and commercial areas where return radii shall not be less than fifty (50) feet.
         (j)   Cul-de-sacs shall have a minimum radius to back of curb of fifty (50) feet. No center islands will be allowed.
      (2) Materials And Specifications: The "Standard Specifications For Road And Bridge Construction" of the department of transportation, state of Illinois, shall be a minimum specification for the installation of pavements and sidewalks.
E.   Sidewalks: Where sidewalks are required or installed, they shall be of Portland cement concrete five (5) inches uniform thickness and at least five (5) feet wide. Standard specifications as indicated above.
F.   Stormwater Sewers And Drains:
      (1) Design:
         (a)   Storm drainage systems shall be designed using rational method.
         (b)   Design storm shall be based on recurrence frequency of five (5) years.
         (c)   Coefficient of runoff shall not be less than C = 0.35 unless a lesser coefficient can be factually substantiated.
         (d)   Storm sewers connections shall be provided for each commercial or industrial building site.
      (2) Materials And Specifications: The Illinois department of transportation standard specifications for road and bridge construction shall govern the work.
         (a)   Pipe materials shall be limited to concrete sewer pipe and reinforced concrete sewer pipe.
         (b)   Manholes, catch basins and inlets shall be precast concrete. See enclosures 4, 5 and 6 to this appendix.
G.   Sanitary Sewers And House Service System:
      (1) Design:
         (a)   System design shall conform to the recommended standards for sewage works 1971 revised edition - Great Lakes - Upper Mississippi River board of state sanitary engineers.
         (b)   The minimum slope of the terminal end of a sewer shall be 0.80 feet per one hundred (100) feet.
         (c)   The minimum slope for house services shall be 1.00 foot per one hundred (100) feet.
         (d)   Service connections shall be by "wye" fittings. See enclosure 7 to this appendix.
      (2) Materials And Specifications:
         (a)   Sewer pipe eight (8) inches through twelve (12) inches internal diameter shall be limited to clay pipe manufactured in accordance with ASTM specifications C-700, and pipe joints shall conform to ASTM specifications C-425 except in specific locations where the village engineer may recommend the use of other materials. Sanitary sewer pipe bedding - see enclosure 8 to this appendix.
         (b)   Sewer pipe fifteen (15) inches and larger shall be of reinforced concrete pipe with "O-ring" gasket joints.
         (c)   Manholes shall be precast concrete. Cast iron ladder irons shall be provided. See enclosures 4 and 5 to this appendix.
         (d)   Manhole frames and covers shall meet the requirements of the state of Illinois department of transportation standard specifications for road and bridge construction, and shall be type 1, weighing five hundred forty (540) lbs. See enclosure 10 to this appendix.
      (3) Lift Stations: Design of lift stations and selection of pump equipment and controls shall be as specified by the village.
H.   Water Main And House Service System:
      (1) Design:
         (a)   Water mains shall be sized so as to provide adequate supply for the intended use of the subdivision or to provide adequate fire flow, whichever is greater. Fire flow shall be based on providing a minimum flow of one thousand five hundred (1,500) gpm and maintaining a minimum residual pressure of twenty five (25) psi in the main.
         (b)   A looped water main system shall be provided. (No dead ends.)
         (c)   Minimum size water main shall be eight (8) inches.
         (d)   Maximum fire hydrant spacing shall be three hundred fifty (350) feet.
         (e)   Isolation valves shall be installed so that not more than one thousand (1,000) feet of main is isolated by closing three valves. All valves shall be in precast valve vaults.
         (f)   Water mains shall be installed with a minimum of five and one-half (51/2) feet of cover below the centerline of the proposed pavement.
         (g)   Air release valves shall be provided at high points unless other means of bleeding air from the main are available.
      (2) Materials: All materials shall meet current AWWA standards as a minimum.
         (a)   All water mains shall be ductile iron pipe, ASA thickness class 52.
         (b)   All gate valves shall be Eddy, or approved equal.
         (c)   All fire hydrants shall be Eddy, or approved equal. Installation - see enclosure 9 to this appendix.
      (3) Specifications: AWWA specifications C-600 shall be a minimum specification for the installation of water mains.
      (4) Hydrostatic Test: All water mains shall be tested at one hundred fifty (150) psi with an allowable leakage as set forth in section 13, table 3, or AWWA specification C-600.
      (5) Disinfection: AWWA specification C-601 shall be a minimum specification for the procedure used in disinfecting mains.
      (6) Water Services: Water services shall be of copper or cast iron and shall be a minimum size of one (1) inch diameter. Maximum size tap permissible in the barrel of the cast iron main shall be as follows:
Pipe size
Tap size
1 1/4"
When a service requires a size larger than allowed above, the connection shall be made by use of proper fittings to protect the main. Multiple taps and use of a branch gooseneck or "tree connections" are to be avoided.
Customer water service lines shall be stubbed from the water main to the nearest private property lot line for each platted lot, adjoining lot, tract or building site.
I.   Natural Gas: Gas mains shall be installed in parkways. Across street services shall be installed by jacking or boring.
J.   Electric And Telephone Service: Easement shall be provided for telephone and electric service not less than ten (10) feet in width and, where practicable, to be provided preferably at the front of each lot and along such other lot lines as to provide continuity of alignment from block to block. All utility distribution lines for telephone and electric service to be installed shall be placed underground within easements or dedicated public ways. The installation of such facilities shall be made in compliance with applicable orders, rules and regulations of the Illinois commerce commission now or hereafter effective, and the owner or subdivider of any property to be served from such underground installations shall be responsible for compliance with the rules and regulations, now and hereafter effective, and filed with said commission pursuant to the Illinois public utilities act, of any public utility whose services will be required with respect to the provision of such underground facilities. When the public street right of way is used for cable installation, electric and telephone service lines shall be stubbed from the local distribution underground cable to each platted lot, adjoining lot, tract or building site.
K.   Street Lighting:
      (a) Streetlights shall be located at all street intersections and at a maximum spacing of five hundred (500) feet along the street proper.
      (b) Mercury luminaires of a four hundred (400) watt minimum size of equivalent high pressure sodium lights shall be provided for each installation.
      (c) Supporting poles shall be of sufficient height to provide a minimum of twenty (20) feet clearance between the luminaire and the pavement surface.
      (d) Operation of the luminaires shall be by means of a photoelectric control.
      (e) All wiring shall be underground in conduit and shall be sleeved at street or parkway lot crossings.
      (f) The aesthetic design of the luminaires and poles shall meet with the approval of the village board.
L.   Street Name Signs: Street name signs of a type approved by the village board shall be furnished and installed at the expense of the owner or subdivider, at all street intersections. The street name signs shall bear the names of the intersecting streets which shall be of such size and type as can be easily read from the street.
M.   Street Trees: The owner or occupant of any lot or parcel of land in the village may set out, plant, keep or maintain in the parkways of the public streets, contiguous to such lot or parcel of land such plantings of trees as are permitted under the ordinances of the village, but before doing so, he shall obtain a permit for same as required by the village.
3.   A typical driveway plan is shown in enclosure 11 to this appendix.
4.   Upon completion of the improvement, the subdivider shall submit as built plans to the village showing the actual location of all improvements installed. As built plans shall be ink or linen or Mylar and shall be either the original plans with required corrections, or duplicates of the corrected originals.
5.   Not used.
6.   Not used.
7.   Not used.
8.   Not used.
9.   Not used.
Enclosure 1, Appendix D
Enclosure 2, Appendix D
Enclosure 3, Appendix D
Enclosure 4, Appendix D
Enclosure 5, Appendix D
Enclosure 6, Appendix D
Enclosure 7, Appendix D
Enclosure 8, Appendix D
Enclosure 9, Appendix D
Enclosure 10, Appendix D
Enclosure 11, Appendix D
(Ord., 4-11-1978)