A.   Amount Of Deposit: If any applicant for water service is not the legal or equitable owner of the premises for which water service is requested, the applicant shall, as a condition precedent, make a cash deposit in advance to ensure payment of final bills, in an amount equal to the estimated maximum quarterly bill of the applicant, as determined by the village treasurer after giving consideration to the average consumption of similar consumers. (Ord. 2003-16, 11-24-2003)
B.   Apply To Delinquent Bill: If a consumer having made a cash deposit allows a water bill to become delinquent, the deposit may be applied to liquidate the bill, and water service may be shut off as provided in section 8-1A-10 of this chapter. Water service shall not be turned on again until the deposit is restored to its original amount. If the deposit does not liquidate the water bill, then water service shall not be restored until the balance of the water bill is paid, the entire original deposit restored, and the fees as set out in section 1-12-3 of this code, under the category "user charges and connection fees", for discontinuing and turning on the water service are paid. (Ord. 2003-16, 11-24-2003; amd. 2009 Code)
C.   Receipt For Deposit: The village shall issue a receipt for each deposit showing the date of deposit and the amount received. The receipt shall be surrendered by the depositor upon application for the refund of the deposit and shall not be transferable.
D.   Final Disposition Of Deposit: Each deposit made under the provisions of this section shall be delivered to the village treasurer, or the treasurer's designee, to be held in the water fund. Upon the discontinuance of a consumer's water service, the deposit shall be refunded without interest, less any amounts still due and owing the village for water service up to the time of discontinuance.
E.   Additional Deposit: The village treasurer may require an additional deposit in an amount up to the sum of two (2) average bills from any customer that has been more than thirty (30) days' delinquent twice within a billing year or from any customer that has filed for bankruptcy within seven (7) years prior to the date of the most current water bill. (Ord. 2003-16, 11-24-2003)