(A) Approval required. No parade or procession shall be allowed on any public way, nor shall any open-air meetings be held in or upon any public way, or upon any ground abutting upon any public way, until approval therefor shall first be obtained from the President and Board of Trustees. In its approval the President and Board of Trustees shall consider if the parade, procession or open-air meeting shall be held for any unlawful purpose, tend to be a breach of the peace or unreasonably interfere with the peace and quiet of the residents of the village.
(`70 Code, § 18-2)
(B) Application for approval. Application to conduct a parade or procession or open-air meeting shall be made in writing to the President and Board of Trustees at least 30 days prior to the event and shall include the following:
(1) Name of person or group in control or responsible therefor;
(2) Purpose;
(3) Route along which parade is to proceed or the place of the open-air meeting;
(4) Time of starting and probable duration;
(5) Total number of participants anticipated.
(`70 Code, § 18-3) (Ord. passed 10-11-66; Ord. 729, passed 8-12-03)