General Provisions
98.001 Purpose and scope
98.002 Definitions
98.003 Annual registration required
98.004 Permit required; applications and fees
98.005 Action on permit applications
98.006 Effect of permit
98.007 Revised permit drawings
98.008 Insurance
98.009 Indemnification
98.010 Security
98.011 Permit suspension and revocation
98.012 Change of ownership or owner's identity or legal status
98.013 General construction standards
98.014 Traffic control
98.015 Location of facilities
98.016 Construction methods and materials
98.017 Vegetation control
98.018 Removal, relocation, or modifications of utility facilities
98.019 Clean-up and restoration
98.020 Maintenance and emergency maintenance
98.021 Variances
98.022 Enforcement
98.030 Cable television franchise
Cable/Video Service and
PEG Access Support Fees
PEG Access Support Fees
98.040 Cable/video service provider fee imposed
98.041 PEG access carriage requirements; PEG access support fee imposed
98.042 Applicable principles
98.043 No impact on other taxes due from holder
98.044 Audits of cable/video service provider
98.045 Late fees/payments
Cable and Video Customer Protection Law
98.060 Customer service and privacy law
98.061 Enforcement
98.062 Penalties
98.063 Customer credits
98.999 Penalty