(A) If a vehicle license fee is not paid by October 31 of each year, the fee will increase 50% over the base fee. If the license fee is not paid by November 30, an additional $5 will be assessed, and if the fee is not paid by December 31, another $5 fee will be assessed.
(B) Vehicle license penalties apply to all vehicles not properly licensed within 60 days of purchase, transfer or residency.
(C) A current year license will not be sold for a vehicle which should have been properly licensed in a prior year except upon the purchase of the prior year license fee and payment of all delinquent fees due thereafter.
(`70 Code, § 13-34) (Ord. 54, passed 3-9-65; Ord. 58, passed 1-11-66; Ord. 288, passed 8-28-79; Ord. 360, passed 3-13-84; Ord. 500, passed 12-11-90; Ord. 647, passed 11-10-98; Ord. 1131, passed 6-23-20)