The Village Manager, or his or her designee, shall be considered the Zoning Administrator, and shall have the following powers, pursuant to this chapter:
   (A)   To review and make decisions on zoning interpretations (§ 153.064).
   (B)   To review and make decisions on applications for sign permits (§ 153.061).
   (C)   To review applications for building permits for compliance with this chapter (§ 153.062).
   (D)   To review applications for occupancy permits for compliance with this chapter (§ 153.063).
   (E)   To review and make decisions on temporary use permits (§ 153.195).
   (F)   To receive and forward applications for zoning amendments, variations, special uses, site plan reviews, special uses, planned unit developments, zoning appeals and other administrative reviews required by this chapter to the Planning and Zoning Commission, Plan Commission or Village Board, as indicated.
   (G)   To maintain permanent and current records as required by this chapter including, but not limited to, all relevant information and official action on zoning amendments, variations, special uses, site plan reviews, special uses, planned unit developments, zoning appeals and other administrative reviews.
   (H)   To maintain and make available the village’s Official Zoning Code Text and Map, and all permanent and current records required by this chapter.
   (I)   To maintain for public distribution an adequate supply of the compiled text of the Zoning Code text, including the Official Zoning Map, and appropriate forms and instructional material for all required hearings and review procedures provided for herein.
   (J)   To conduct inspections of structures or the use of land to determine whether there is compliance with this chapter, and, in case of any violation, order corrective action.
(Ord. 929, passed 1-25-11; Ord. 1076, passed 1-23-18)