A.   An application for a floodplain development permit shall be made to the Director before any floodplain development may begin.
   B.   Application Requirements: In addition to the items required by the provisions of section 8.8.204 of this title, the following items shall be submitted to the Director in conjunction with an application for a floodplain development permit:
      1.   A site plan drawn to scale which shall include, without limitation, the following specific details:
         a.   The nature, location, dimensions, and elevations of the area of floodplain development or disturbance, including, without limitation, existing and proposed structures, utility systems, grading and pavement areas, fill materials, storage areas, drainage facilities, and any other proposed floodplain development;
         b.   The boundary of the special flood hazard area as delineated on the FIRM or as set forth in paragraph 8.7.201(B)(1) of this article, or a statement that the entire lot is within the special flood hazard area;
         c.   The flood zone designation(s) of the proposed floodplain development area as determined pursuant to this article;
         d.   The boundary of any floodways or flood fringe areas;
         e.   The Base Flood Elevation (BFE) where provided as set forth in this article;
         f.   The old and new location of any watercourse that will be altered or relocated as a result of the proposed floodplain development; and
         g.   The certification of the plot plan by a registered land surveyor or professional engineer.
      2.   Proposed elevation, and method thereof, of all floodplain development, including, without limitation, elevation in relation to mean sea level of the proposed lowest floor (including basement) of all structures.
      3.   Foundations within a special flood hazard area shall be designed by a qualified professional engineer licensed by the State of Idaho in accordance with standard engineering practice. A foundation plan, drawn to scale, shall be submitted which includes details of the proposed foundation system that ensure that all applicable provisions of this article are met. These details include, without limitation:
         a.   The proposed method of elevation, if applicable (e.g., fill, solid foundation perimeter wall, solid backfilled foundation, open foundation, or on columns, posts, piers, piles or shear walls); and
         b.   Openings to facilitate automatic equalization of hydrostatic flood forces on walls in accordance with paragraph 8.7.203(I)(2) of this article when solid foundation perimeter walls are used in Zones A and AE.
      4.   A statement detailing the proposed uses of any enclosed areas below the lowest floor.
      5.   Plans detailing the methods to be used to protect public utilities and facilities, such as sewer, gas, electrical, and water systems, to be located and constructed to minimize flood damage.
      6.   A certification that all other local, state, and federal permits required have been received.
      7.   Documentation for placement of recreational vehicles, when applicable, to ensure that the provisions of subsection 8.7.204F of this article are met.
      8.   When applicable, a description of any proposed watercourse alteration or relocation, including, without limitation, the following:
         a.   An engineering report on the effects of the proposed project on the flood-carrying capacity of the watercourse and the effects to properties located both upstream and downstream; and
         b.   A map showing the location of the proposed watercourse alteration or relocation, if not shown on the site plan.
   C.   Certification Requirements:
      1.   Elevation Certificates (FEMA Form 86-0-33).
         a.   Construction drawings. A construction drawings elevation certificate is required prior to the actual start of any new construction. It shall be the duty of the permit holder to submit to the Director a certification of the elevation of the lowest floor in relation to mean sea level. The Director shall review the certificate data submitted. Deficiencies detected by such review shall be corrected by the permit holder before the start of construction.
         b.   Building under construction. An elevation certificate for a building under construction is required after the lowest floor is established. Within seven (7) calendar days of establishment of the lowest floor elevation, it shall be the duty of the permit holder to submit to the Director a certification of the elevation of the lowest floor in relation to mean sea level. Any work done within the seven (7) day calendar period and prior to submission of the certification shall be at the permit holder's risk. The Director shall review the certificate data submitted. Deficiencies detected by such review shall be corrected by the permit holder immediately, and all necessary corrections must be completed before any further work is permitted to proceed.
         c.   Finished construction elevation certificates.
            (1)   A final as-built finished construction elevation certificate is required after construction is completed and before a certificate of occupancy or equivalent may be issued. It shall be the duty of the permit holder to submit to the Director a certification of final as-built construction of the elevation of the lowest floor and all attendant utilities. The Director shall review the certificate data submitted. Deficiencies detected by such review shall be corrected by the permit holder immediately, and all necessary corrections must be completed before a certificate of occupancy or equivalent may be issued. In some instances, another certification may be required to certify corrected as-built construction.
            (2)   The engineer providing the finished construction elevation certificate shall provide at least two (2) photographs showing the front and rear of the building taken within ninety (90) days after the date of certification. The photographs must be taken with views confirming the building description and diagram number provided in subsection B of this section. To the extent possible, these photographs should show the entire building including the foundation. If the building has split-level or multi-level areas, at least two (2) additional photographs showing side views of the building shall also be provided. In addition, when applicable, an additional photograph of the foundation showing a representative example of the flood openings or vents shall be provided.
         d.   Failure to submit any required certification or to make required corrections shall constitute good cause to issue a stop-work order for the project, to deny, revoke or suspend a floodplain development permit, or to deny, revoke or suspend any associated building, location, or site disturbance permit.
      2.   If a manufactured home is placed within Zone A or AE and the elevation of the chassis is more than thirty six inches (36") in height above grade, an engineered foundation certification is required in accordance with the provisions of subsection 8.7.204E of this article.
      3.   If a watercourse is to be altered or relocated, the following shall be submitted by the applicant before a floodplain development permit is issued:
         a.   A description of the extent of watercourse alteration or relocation;
         b.   A professional engineer's certified report on the effects of the proposed project on the flood-carrying capacity of the watercourse and the effects to properties located both upstream and downstream;
         c.   A map showing the location of the proposed watercourse alteration or relocation; and
         d.   An approved Idaho stream channel alteration permit.
      4.   Certification Exemptions. If located within Zone A or AE, the following structures shall be exempt from the elevation certification requirements specified in paragraph (1) of this subsection:
         a.   Recreational vehicles which comply with the requirements of subsection 8.7.204F of this article; and
         b.   Residential accessory structures of less than two hundred (200) square feet in size which comply with the requirements of subsection 8.7.204B of this article.
   D.   Encroachments: Encroachments shall be exempt from the requirements of subsections B and C of this section. In lieu of those requirements, the applicant shall submit the encroachment permit issued by IDL for the encroachment, all other permits issued by other agencies with jurisdiction, and the entire contents of each case file pertaining to such permits.
   E.   Approval Procedure: Applications for floodplain development permits shall be processed in accordance with this section and section 8.8.204 of this title, except that the issuance of an order of decision shall not be required.
   F.   Decisions made by the Director may be appealed to the Board in accordance with article 8.5 of this chapter. (Ord. 545, 10-3-2019)