A.   Erosion and sedimentation control BMPs for all sites must be sufficient to prevent sediment from leaving the site.
   B.   Stabilized construction entrances and driveways shall be required for all construction sites to minimize sediment tracking onto roadways. Such entrances and driveways shall be a minimum of six inches (6") thick, with a minimum rock size of three inches (3"), and a length sufficient to minimize off site tracking of sediment. Parking of vehicles shall be restricted to paved or stabilized areas.
   C.   The erosion and sedimentation control BMPs must be installed or otherwise in effect, and the boundary of the area to be disturbed must be clearly marked, as indicated in the approved plan, prior to any site disturbance.
   D.   All surfaces where bare soil is exposed during clearing and grading operations, including spoil piles, shall be covered or otherwise protected from erosion when it will not be worked for more than four (4) days.
   E.   The property owner, contractor, and design professional shall be responsible for the design and construction of revised temporary erosion and sedimentation control if application of the approved plan fails. The applicant shall immediately notify the director of alterations to plans.
   F.   All cut and fill slopes shall be revegetated or otherwise protected from erosion to the greatest extent practicable. (Ord. 493, 6-9-2016)