8.6.604: GREEN SPACE:
Green space is land with natural, cultural or historic resources of value to the community. Land that is to be preserved as green space must be a part of the land being divided, must be unencumbered by existing conservation easements, must be in good condition (e.g., stable, in conformance with applicable Best Management Practices), and must fall into one or more of the following categories:
   A.   Actively managed pasture, farm or timber land, except such agricultural uses as may be incompatible with residential uses. Appurtenant structures, including residential structures, are permitted as set forth in the applicable provisions of chapters 2 and 3 of this title. However, if a residential structure is proposed to be built on a green space lot, that lot shall be counted as a building lot. If the proposed agricultural use requires irrigation, water rights sufficient to support the use must be retained with the land.
   B.   Wildlife habitat or wildlife corridors as identified by the Idaho Department of Fish and Game or Coeur d'Alene Tribe. These areas might include stream corridors, draws, wetlands, grassland, stands of mature timber, areas with snags, wintering areas, nesting and roosting sites, waterfront areas and travel corridors between habitat blocks and sources of food and water. Any fencing in these areas must allow for the safe movement of wildlife.
   C.   Areas with native vegetation, including native grassland, or unique vegetative communities as identified by the Idaho Conservation Data Center.
   D.   Recreational areas, including trails and wildlife viewing areas, except such areas as may be incompatible with residential uses.
   E.   Historic or culturally significant areas.
   F.   Natural landmarks and scenic areas.
   G.   Parks, playgrounds, picnic areas, community supported gardens and similar uses. Up to ten percent (10%) of the green space area may be used for structures appurtenant to such uses, in conformance with applicable provisions of this title and the requirements of other agencies with jurisdiction and those which will provide services.
   H.   "Sensitive areas", as defined in section 8.9.403 of this title.
   I.   If public use of green space is proposed, up to two percent (2%) of such green space may be used for public parking.
   J.   Ridge tops and other prominent, natural features.
   K.   Stream and wetland protection buffers, and land adjacent to these areas.
   L.   Land preserved to protect drinking water supplies.
   M.   Sites for shared water, wastewater or stormwater systems.
   N.   Other land with natural, cultural or historic value. (Ord. 493, 6-9-2016)