A.   Zones Permitted: All zones.
   B.   Minimum Area: The size of the site must be adequate to accommodate the event, attendees, and parking unless provisions have been made for off site parking. Adequacy of the site shall be as reasonably determined by the director.
   C.   Site Plan And Event Description: The application shall include a detailed site plan and event description which addresses security, access, crowd management, traffic management, parking, waste control and disposal, litter control plans, and includes any other relevant information requested by the director. Copies of the site plan and event descriptions shall be submitted to the Kootenai County sheriff's office, Panhandle health district, Idaho transportation department, the highway district and fire protection district with jurisdiction, and any other agencies as requested by the director.
   D.   Parking: One parking space will be provided for each three (3) seating spaces, and the parking area shall be restricted to a clearly designated area which has clearly delineated boundaries. Off site parking may be permitted if the applicant demonstrates that transportation between the parking area and the event site will be adequate. If the owner of the property where the parking area will be located is different than the owner of the event site, the written consent of the owner of the parking area shall be required.
   E.   Noise: Maximum noise threshold shall be seventy five (75) dBa, as measured at the property lines, unless a higher level is approved in the permit.
   F.   Drainfields: Parking and construction over existing drainfields is prohibited.
   G.   Lighting: Lighting at the special event shall be downward directed and shielded, and shall not exceed 0.2 foot-candle at the property line unless otherwise approved in the permit.
   H.   Additional Conditions: The director may impose such reasonable conditions as may be necessary for visual screening, control of dust, mitigation or elimination of nuisance factors, management of traffic, buffering of adjoining uses, mitigation of potential effects on water or air quality, limitation of the duration of the permit, or otherwise addressing the health, safety, or general welfare of event participants and spectators. Conditions may also include a requirement that agencies review and approve plans for each event to be held at the location.
   I.   Performance Bond: The director may require the posting of a performance bond to guarantee performance of conditions of approval and to ensure that the event will not constitute a nuisance or be detrimental to the health, safety, comfort or welfare of persons in the vicinity of such use. (Ord. 493, 6-9-2016)