A.   Any license issued pursuant to this chapter shall be assignable to persons possessing the qualifications necessary under this chapter, title 23, Idaho Code, and ABC administrative rules, IDAPA 11.05.01, to acquire a license to sell beer, wine at retail or by the drink, or liquor by the drink, as appropriate, upon the filing of proper application with the clerk and the payment of the appropriate transfer fee as set forth in subsection B of this section.
   B.   The fees for the transfer of a license for the sale of alcoholic beverages within Kootenai County, whether the licensee is located within or without the corporate limits of any city, shall be as follows:
Retail wine
Wine by the drink
   C.   The transfer fees set forth in this section may be amended pursuant to resolution of the board, to the extent authorized under title 23, Idaho Code.
   D.   The board, by resolution duly enacted, may authorize the clerk to approve transfers of county licenses issued pursuant to this chapter without further board action. Otherwise, approval of transfers of county licenses issued pursuant to this chapter shall be vested in the board. (Ord. 463, 11-6-2012)