Agricultural products sales stores.
Airports or airstrips.
Automobile wrecking yards or junkyards.
Child care centers, preschools, or Head Start facilities.
Commercial fur farms.
Commercial kennels.
Commercial resorts.
Commercial riding arenas, boarding stables, or equine training facilities.
Fish hatcheries or fish farms (aquacultural facilities).
Golf courses or driving ranges.
Gun clubs, rifle ranges, or archery ranges.
Mini-storage facilities or rental warehouses.
Nonprofit trade or business associations.
Places of worship or assembly.
Privately owned recreational facilities which are open to public use.
Public safety facilities or public service facilities.
Residential care facilities.
Resort lodges, retreat centers, or guest ranches.
Restricted surface mining operations.
Sawmills, shingle or planing mills, or woodworking plants.
Slaughterhouses or rendering plants.
Special event locations.
Veterinary hospitals or clinics.
Wholesale greenhouses.
Wireless communication facilities; provided, however, that public safety wireless communication facilities shall be permitted of right. (Ord. 517, 1-25-2018)