A.   Basic Rule: It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any type of vessel on any public waters within Kootenai County in a negligent manner without having due regard to the actual and potential hazards then existing, or at any rate of speed greater than stated herein, or at any rate of speed greater than that which will permit, in the exercise of reasonable care, the vessel to come to a stop within the assured clear distance ahead.
   B.   Speed Limits: Specific speed limits for all public waters within Kootenai County, except the Spokane River from the headwater to the Post Falls Dam, the Coeur d'Alene River from the mouth to the county boundary, and Lower Twin Lake, are as follows:
      1.   Within two hundred feet (200') of any shoreline or any dock, pier, other structure or any person in the water, will be designated as a no wake zone in which the speed limit shall be five (5) miles per hour. This section shall not apply to any vessel having in tow or otherwise assisting a person on waterskis, aquaplane or similar contrivance upon start.
      2.   Within one hundred feet (100') of any other vessel, the speed shall be reasonable and prudent, but not in excess of fifteen (15) miles per hour.
      3.   At night, where the speed is not otherwise restricted, the speed limit shall be twenty-five (25) miles per hour.
      4.   During the day, where the speed is not otherwise restricted, the speed limit shall be reasonable and prudent, but not in excess of fifty (50) miles per hour; provided, however, that this subsection shall not apply to any motor driven watercraft while the same is being operated while actively engaged in any regatta, race, tournament or exhibition authorized pursuant to a valid marine event permit issued by the sheriff, if the permit allows the motor driven watercraft participating in that regatta, race, tournament or exhibition to exceed the posted speed limits; provided further, that this subsection shall not apply to a seaplane on the water.
      5.   This subsection shall not apply to any motor driven watercraft being operated under emergency conditions or by any authorized agent of any law enforcement agency of the state of Idaho, a political subdivision or the United States while said agent is acting in the performance of his duties.
   C.   Speed Limits For Certain Waterways: Specific speed limits for the Spokane River from the headwater to the Post Falls Dam, the Coeur d'Alene River from the mouth to the county boundary, and Lower Twin Lake are as follows:
      1.   During the day, where the speed is not otherwise restricted, the speed limit shall be reasonable and prudent, but not in excess of thirty five (35) miles per hour.
      2.   At night, where the speed is not otherwise restricted, the speed limit shall be twenty-five (25) miles per hour.
      3.   During the day or night, no motor driven watercraft shall be operated at a speed or in a manner that creates an excessive, dangerous or damaging wake.
      4.   Within one hundred feet (100') of the shoreline, dock, pier, other structure or person in the water, the speed limit shall be five (5) miles per hour, and no wake shall be created by any vessel.
      5.   The speed limit shall be fifteen (15) miles per hour within fifty feet (50') of another vessel.
      6.   This subsection shall not apply to any motor driven watercraft being operated under emergency conditions or by any authorized agent of any law enforcement agency of the state of Idaho, the United States or any political subdivision, while said agent is acting in the performance of his duties.
   D.   Boater Right Of Way: All persons using docks primarily placed for vessel use shall not interfere with vessels approaching or departing dockage.
   E.   Approaching Emergency Vessels: All vessels approaching emergency vessels displaying flashing lights and/or law enforcement vessels displaying flashing lights shall reasonably and prudently operate at no wake speed, at a distance of not less than two hundred feet (200') from the emergency and/or law enforcement vessel when practicable, until completely past the emergency and/or law enforcement vessel. (Ord. 379, 8-30-2006; amd. Ord. 571, 10-19-2021; Resolution 2022-19, 3-15-2022)