A.   General: The director shall administer the provisions of this article in a manner consistent with other provisions of this code. The board of county commissioners may, by resolution, adopt design standards, plan criteria, best management practices, administrative procedures, fee schedules, etc., intended to implement the requirements and standards set forth in this article. Changes in the supporting documents may be accomplished by subsequently adopted resolution.
   B.   Outside Review Assistance: The director may request a second opinion from a design professional regarding any permitted or proposed work under this article at any time. The cost of such a second opinion shall be borne by the county.
   C.   Duration of Permit: Whenever a site disturbance permit is issued in conjunction with a duly issued building permit, the site disturbance permit shall expire one (1) year from the time of issuance of a certificate of occupancy or, if no certificate of occupancy will be issued, the date on which a satisfactory final inspection occurred. Otherwise, the site disturbance permit shall expire two (2) years from the date of issuance. The Director may grant a one-time extension for up to one (1) additional year on written request by the permittee showing that circumstances beyond the control of the permittee have prevented work authorized by the permit. In lieu of these time periods, the Director may set specific shorter time limits on the permit for project initiation and completion for environmental reasons or for coordination with other permitted site work.
   D.   Financial Guarantees:
      1.   The owner of any parcel where work will be performed pursuant to an approved site disturbance plan shall provide a financial guarantee to ensure that erosion, sediment control, and stormwater management improvements will be completed, as set forth in this subsection.
         a.   The owner shall provide a financial guarantee to the department before a site disturbance permit may be issued for development of subdivision infrastructure, commercial and industrial development, or development within a high risk site.
         b.   For all other work to be completed in accordance with an approved site disturbance plan, the director may require the owner to provide a financial guarantee for any work not completed at the time of final inspection.
      2.   The design professional shall provide an estimate of the cost to implement the improvements to be covered by the financial guarantee based on then current local construction costs, including, without limitation, labor and materials. The amount of the financial guarantee shall be as determined by the director, but shall not exceed one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the estimated cost.
      3.   The design professional must submit a letter to the department certifying that the permitted development is complete and is compliant with the requirements of this article before a financial guarantee can be released. If the ownership of the property has changed since the financial guarantee was provided, the financial guarantee shall be released to the current property owner of record.
      4.   If the required improvements have not been completed by the specified date, the department may contract to have the site brought into compliance with the applicable requirements of this article with the money from the associated financial guarantee. The department may also take additional enforcement measures as provided by law. (Ord. 493, 6-9-2016; amd. Ord. 546, 10-17-2019; Ord. 570, 9-16-2021)