The provisions of this title shall prescribe the minimum requirements for the design and development of new subdivisions and resubdivisions of land; provide for the preliminary and final approval of such subdivisions and provide for the enforcement of these regulations:
A. The city council has adopted a comprehensive plan as a guide to the future development of the city; and
B. In accordance with said comprehensive plan the city council has adopted a zoning ordinance, title 9 of this code, to assist in controlling the future development of the city by regulating the uses of land, the size of lots, the height and bulk of buildings, the size of yards and open spaces around buildings, the density of population and the locations and uses of buildings and structures for residences, commerce, industry and other purposes; and
C. It is essential that the subdivision of land be coordinated with title 9 of this code for the purpose of guiding the future development of the city as outlined in the comprehensive plan; and
D. The city council deems it necessary in order to secure coordination of subdivisions of land and extensions of streets; to promote proper standards for development of land, utilities and streets; to promote public health, safety and general welfare; to facilitate the adequate provisions of transportation, water supply, sewage treatment, storm drainage, parks and recreation facilities and other public improvements and services in areas of new development throughout the city, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan. (1983 Code § 11-2-1A)