(A) No massage school, massage parlor, massage therapy clinic, bathhouse, escort service, body painting studio or nude modeling studio shall be operated or conducted, in or with a separate opening to, living quarters. There must be a separate opening to living quarters and a separate entrance to the place of business. No one should use the building quarters for a place of habitation.
(B) All licensed operators or permit holders under this chapter shall show their licenses or permits in a visible location in their establishment.
(C) All licenses or permit holders shall be subject to all other city ordinances, county ordinances and state statutes and to regulations of various administrative bodies of the city, county and state. Violation of the regulations, ordinances or statutes shall be grounds for revocation of licenses or permits.
(D) No person shall be employed by any licensee under this chapter or be within view of any of the services rendered by a massage parlor, massage therapy clinic, bathhouse, escort service, body painting studio or nude modeling studio who has not reached the age of 21.
(E) No person holding a license under this article shall administer to a person of the opposite sex, any massage, alcohol rub or similar treatment, fomentation, bath or electric or magnetic treatment, except upon the signed order of a licensed physician, osteopath, chiropractor, podiatrist or registered physical therapist. A person shall neither cause nor permit in or about his or her place of business, or in connection with his or her business, any agent, employee, servant or other individual to administer any treatment to any individual of the opposite sex.
(F) All employees of establishments licensed under this chapter, including masseurs, masseuses, therapists, escorts and body painting models, but not including nude models, shall wear clean, non-transparent outer garments covering the sexual and genital areas.
(G) The sexual or genital areas of patrons of establishments required to be licensed under this chapter must be covered with towels, clothes or undergarments when in the presence of an employee, masseur, masseuse, therapist, escort, body painting model or nude model.
(H) No person in any establishment licensed under this chapter shall place his or her hand upon or touch with any part of his or her body or fondle in any manner or massage a sexual or genital area of any other person.
(I) No employee of an establishment licensed under this chapter shall perform, offer or agree to perform, any act which shall require the touching of the patron's genitals.
(J) Every massage school, massage parlor, massage therapy clinic, bathhouse, escort service, body painting studio or nude modeling studio shall be open for inspection during all business hours and at other reasonable times by police officers, health and fire inspectors and duly authorized representatives of the county upon the showing of proper credentials by the persons.
(K) Any bathhouse, massage parlor, massage therapy clinic, massage therapy school, escort service, body painting studio or nude modeling studio, or any combination thereof, is prohibited from installing or maintaining any lock or similar device on the inside of any door of the business which cannot be operated by key or knob from the exterior of the door.
(L) Any establishment licensed under this chapter as a private health club shall maintain a current list of members, as the case may be, and a roster of those receiving massage therapy by dates, which lists and rosters shall be available to anyone inspecting the establishment pursuant to division (J) above.
(M) No person holding a license under this chapter shall paint the body of a person of the opposite sex. A person shall neither cause nor permit in or about his or her place of business or in connection with his or her business, any agent, employee, servant or other individual to administer any treatment to any individual of the opposite sex.
(Ord. 4-1980, passed - -1980) Penalty, see § 114.99