Design and Improvement Requirements
1119.01   Monuments.
1119.02   Streets.
1119.03   Water.
1119.04   Sanitary facilities.
1119.05   Drainage.
1119.06   Easements.
1119.07   Lots.
Zoning design standards - see P. & Z.  Ch.  1165
Construction of improvements - see Ohio R.C. 711.101
1119.01  MONUMENTS.
   Permanent monuments of a type approved by the Village Engineer shall be set by a registered surveyor at locations as directed by the Village Engineer.
(Ord.  3-89-06.  Passed 3-1-89.)
1119.02  STREETS.
   Streets shall be so designed and constructed as to meet the following criteria:
   (a)   Right of way for dedication shall not be less than fifty feet in width.
   (b)   Pavement width shall be a minimum of twenty-two feet.
   (c)   Structural design of pavement shall meet design criteria set forth in the Ohio Department of Transportation’s “Pavement Design Manual For Secondary Roads and Streets”.
   (d)   Streets shall be arranged so as to provide for the continuation of existing streets.
   (e)   Connections shall be provided to adjoining properties for future extension.
   (f)   Street names shall be approved by Council and shall not duplicate the names of existing streets within the Village or Lake County.
   (g)   All cul-de-sac streets shall be provided with a turn-around which shall have a minimum 100 ft.  diameter right-of-way and 80 ft.  diameter pavement.
   (h)   Streets shall be laid out so as to intersect as nearly as possible at right angles.
      (Ord.  3-89-06.  Passed 3-1-89.)
1119.03  WATER.
   All lots shall be served by either public water service as set forth in subsection (a) hereof, or by individual wells as set forth in subsection (b) hereof.
   (a)   Where a public water main is accessible, the subdivider shall install adequate water facilities including fire hydrants in accordance with the rules, standards, and specifications of the Village and the Ohio Water Service Company.  Said water mains and appurtenances shall be inspected, tested, and approved by the Ohio Water Service Company prior to acceptance by the Village.
   (b)   Where public water service is not available, lots may be served by individual wells provided that such system is installed in accordance with the standards and regulations of and is approved by the Lake County Board of Health, and such approval is filed with the Clerk-Treasurer.
      (Ord.  3-89-06.  Passed 3-1-89.)
   Each lot shall be served by an adequate sanitary sewage collection and disposal system which shall be installed in accordance with the rules, regulations, standards, and specifications of the Lake County Board of Health.  No such sanitary system shall be installed or used except with the approval of the Lake County Board of Health.
(Ord.  3-89-06.  Passed 3-1-89.)
1119.05  DRAINAGE.
   An adequate storm drainage system shall be provided for each subdivision.  Storm facilities shall be designed and constructed in accordance with standards established by the Village Engineer to prevent flooding and to properly dispose of storm waters.
   Storm drainage facilities shall in each case be of sufficient capacity to accommodate potential runoff from the entire upstream drainage area, whether inside or outside the subdivision.
   No subdivision shall be approved which would overload the existing downstream drainage facilities until provisions for downstream improvements or on-site detention satisfactory to the Village Engineer have been made.
   Measures shall be taken to minimize erosion and its impacts during construction.  Detailed erosion control plans setting forth the techniques to be used and a schedule for implementation shall be submitted with the final plat.  Techniques, devices, or measures used shall be as approved by the Village Engineer.
(Ord.  3-89-06.  Passed 3-1-89.)
1119.06  EASEMENTS.
   (a)   Where a subdivision is traversed by a water course, drainage way, channel, storm conduit or stream, there shall be provided to the Village a storm water easement conforming substantially with the lines of such water course and containing such additional width as determined by the Village Engineer.
   (b)   Easements ten feet in width shall be provided adjacent to each side of and contiguous with all proposed rights of way.  Such easements shall be usable for any and all utilities.
   (c)   Utility or drainage easements across lots or along side or rear lot lines shall be a minimum of ten feet in width.  The Village Engineer may require additional width where appropriate.  (Ord.  3-89-06.  Passed 3-1-89.)
1119.07  LOTS.
   (a)   Each lot shall have satisfactory access to a street.
   (b)   Double frontage, reverse frontage and irregularly shaped lots shall be avoided.
   (c)   Lot lines shall be substantially at right angles or radial to street lines.
   (d)   Lot dimensions shall comply with the minimum requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.
   (e)   Lots shall be so arranged such that there will be no foreseeable difficulties in securing building permits.
(Ord.  3-89-06.  Passed 3-1-89.)